Monday, December 31, 2012
Weekly Training 12/24 - 12/30
Slept in that morning skipped yet another swim and weight workout, did end up doing a brick that night so I could take Christmas day off
PM - Bike 22.5 Run 2.56
Tuesday - Rest
Christmas Day!!!
Wednesday - Rest
Skipped my swim but actually a good thing, finally committed to doing a half ironman and official training is going to start next week so taking a couple extra rest days this week will help me start fresh next week
Thursday - AM Run/PM Bike
Nice easy 5 mile tempo-ish run this morning
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Started off with 30 minutes on the bike trainer then headed out the door for 8+ mile run with Lucky, nice and slow stopped a couple times so he could relieve himself wish I was afford that same luxury sometimes. Finished up with 30 more minutes on the bike trainer. Had to squeeze everything in to one workout today since we had 2 Christmas parties and a birthday party to go to. Long Day!
Bike - 21
Run - 8.15 (1:18)
Sunday - Slept in after the marathon day on Saturday, but still got the workout in early. Long Ride on the trainer watched UFC fights and did an interval type workout which really helped pass the time, having a structured workout for my long rides really helps make it go my much faster. Bike - 34
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Weekly Review 12/17-12/23
AM - Slept in skipped swim
PM - 10.5 mile easy spin on the bike followed by 15 minutes of jump ropes, lunges, push ups and crunches before dinner, than 45 min of Yoga before bed.
AM - 31 mi/bike 3.35 mi/run, tried a new bike workout that I have been wanting to do for sometime. 10 min easy spin followed by 15 min progressive warmup increasing cadence. Main set 5x12 min continuous ride with first 3 sets alternating between higher cadence/low gear and low cadence/big gear (simulating hills). Last 2 sets progressively increased cadence. Ended up cutting out the last 5 minutes to brick my run, legs felt good, strong I think including stretching and yoga is helping my recovery time.
Got up on time this morning, could have easily gone to the gym but for some reason talked myself out of it today, have got to stop doing that. First off the year need to get serious about my swim training again.
AM - Tempo run on the treadmill with 15 min warm up and cooldown on the bike.
Run - 7.4
Bike - 10.5
PM - Bike 45 min
Surprise, surprise I skipped my swim again.
AM - Run 13 miles Met up with Jay, John, Tom and Sean. Started off running the bike path for 10 miles then finished up running the trails with Jay for 3 more. Cold but awesome run, always a good time when this group gets together no matter who shows up. So very fortunate to have such awesome people to run with as well as conversate with.
PM - Bike 60 mins Felt great up until the last 10 minutes when I got really light headed, didn't eat enough after my run this morning or for lunch.
Sunday AM - Bike 90 mins Brick Run, Good ride legs were tired to start. 20 min warmup then 5 sets of 3x4mins dropping from bigger gear each minute and increasing cadence, finished up with cooldown then did a brick run. Watched Facing the Giants while I rode great movie, very inspiring!
What's New:
So as mentioned earlier, I have reintroduced stretching and yoga into my regular routine, my goal is to do 30-60 minutes of stretching/yoga 4 or 5 times a week along with some light stretching after my more intense workouts. I know there is all kinds of different opinions on the benefits/detriments of stretching but since I have reintroduced it into my routine I have been recovering from my workouts much faster and have not had the typical soreness in the morning following a tough workout and since I follow the philosophy of K.I.S.S. I'm not going to over think it and just do what I know (think) is working.
Have a great week, a Merry Christmas and remember ...until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Paleo Update
I did find an awesome recipe for a Paleo Hungry Man sweet potato breakfast casserole which I have made twice now once with out the bacon and once with, trust me the bacon version is better. This has really helped with breakfast since I typically don't eat breakfast until around 9:30 or 10:00 when I'm already at work. The recipe makes roughly 6 servings for me, but could easily be more with smaller portion sizes. It also aids in mixing up the variety so I'm not eating the same thing for breakfast as I am for lunch. I figure if I can get my first 3 meals of the day (post work out, breakfast, lunch) in line then dinner can be whatever. A lot of times it will be pizza or pasta with the family but we do turkey burgers, grilled chicken and other things that can be an easy Paleo conversion for me so I'm not making a completely different meal than the family.
As I continue to move forward on my journey through life I'm always looking for balance and this is just one more thing that I need to find that sweet spot of what works best for me, it will be an ever evolving thing I'm sure.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, December 03, 2012
What's been going on?
1. Family - Thanksgiving was great, got together with my wife's family and my brother even joined us. It was a really good time, I ate way to much and enjoyed every second of it. I'm really thankful for the family that I have especially my in laws, as mentioned before I really hit the jackpot with them. I did get to run my first ever Turkey Trot this year and didn't do to bad I might say, ran the 5 miles in 38:19 which was much faster than I had expected. Looking forward to Christmas and all the get togethers throughout the month, going to be crazy but what else is new. Boys have made out their Christmas lists and most of the shopping is done, I even bought a couple of gifts, crazy right? We are going tonight to size a bike for Caden so we can let Santa know just which one to get ;-) on a completely unrelated note, today is December 3rd and it was supposed to reach as high as 70* possibly, does not feel like Christmas when I could be wearing shorts.
2. Paleo - Well let's just say Thanksgiving and the subsequent leftovers put a dent in my progress and left me really wondering if this lifestyle is really do able whilst everyone else around me is eating pasta, bread and all the things I can't have. I still really believe in the basic concept of the diet but I'm scaling back just a bit, before I was at about 85/15 paleo meals to non paleo meals now I'm shooting for more like 75/25. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are really not the issue as long as I've planned ahead accordingly, dinner is where it really gets tough. Frankly my wife and kids just don't want to eat what I'm eating and I really want to eat what they are having sometimes. And it is just difficult to prepare two dinners every night for myself and them. So I'm relenting a little and going to give in now and then when my wife makes pizza or pasta, besides there is only so much sweet potato's I can eat. I'm still dedicated to eating "clean" food and trust me I ate at McDonald's a couple times in the last 2 weeks and felt like crap for it. I'm trying to live a life in moderation but that just not something I'm used to, it's usually an all or nothing mindset for me.
3. Training - On the other hand my training has gone really good as of late. I've nailed over 100 miles on the bike in the last 2 weeks and topped 30 miles running last week for the first time since before the marathon. I also went over 1000 miles running for the year with my long run on Saturday which was my goal for the year. I have had higher yearly totals but that was pre triathlon days. I have made a declaration to get more serious about my strength training for the month of December, I will be lifting at least 3 times a week, doing a combination of explosive power lifting, body weight exercises, plyo's and other exercises creating my own crossfit style workouts. Found out the other day that the minimum weight for the Clydesdale division has been changed to 220 lbs so I may be contemplating gaining 5 lbs so I can keep competing. Gaining 5 lbs of muscle to compete as a clydesdale will be easier than losing another 25 lbs so I can reasonably compete in my age division. Not sure yet what I'm going to do though, it has been a really big and important goal for me to get to and stay under 200 for awhile now so not sure if I'm ready to give that up just yet, but this would qualify as one of those "good" problems to have, how many people really have a problem where they need to gain 5 lbs? I know right?
4. Kind of on the ground floor with helping to get a Tri Club going in the area. There used to be a pretty strong club but it has fallen by the way side over the years without a dedicated leader. A group of us got together the other day and started putting the pieces in place to organize another club. We are starting off real casual with just a Facebook page and seeing how much interest we can generate. I think what most people are really looking for is just a way to interact with other people training for tri's and get some organized training sessions together. There are so many resources available in our community just need one centralized location to direct everyone to them. I'm kind of excited to see where this could go, I'm really passionate about the sport of triathlon and really enjoy the training and people I've met through it in just the past year + so hoping it takes off.
Well that just about catches up, December is really a crazy month so I'll try and keep more up to date on posts but we'll see...
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
What I'm thankful for
1. My Family especially my wife and boys without them I would be lost, Deanna, Casey and Caden motivate me to be a better husband, father and person everyday.
2. My Faith and my Savior, a lot has changed and happened in my life over the last few years and I can only imagine the choices I would have made and the roads I would have traveled without having roots in my faith. I don't always walk the straight and narrow path but I know that Jesus is never far enough away to snatch me up by the ear and get me back on course.
3. My Friends, I have amazing friends that inspire me to be something more. When you have friends who are published authors, musicians, Half Ironman and Ironman finishers, 100 mile Ultra marathoners, amazing examples of husbands and fathers, and friends I've known for decades that are more like brothers than friends it's hard not to try and be something better than what you are.
4. My in laws, yeah I know most people barely tolerate their in laws, but I got lucky. My mother and father in law are truly wonderful people that have always been there for us, and my brother and sister in laws are more like my close friends than my in laws (and if you know me you know that means a lot).
5. My career, in this economic climate I'm thankful that I have a job at all especially one with relative job security.
What are you thankful for?
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, November 12, 2012
WildCat 50k and Paleo Lifestyle week 2
You will notice from my title that I changed the wording from Paleo Diet to Paleo Lifestyle in part because this really isn't a diet in the conventional thought. I am not doing this to shed a few pounds for bikini season with the intentions of going back to my previous eating style, this is a lifestyle change for me and something I hope will remain permanent.
So often in our culture we misinterpret an eating style for "A Diet" or vice verse. Your "Diet" is what you eat so if you eat cheese burgers and fries, that is your "Diet", going on "A Diet" means you are just changing from what you are doing currently to something else. Well when I started this I went on "A Diet" and now I'm currently on that diet and plan to stay there so in fact it is now my lifestyle so it will be appropriately named as such "The Paleo Lifestyle". Anyway enough of that rant.
Tomorrow is my weekly weigh in and I'm contemplating skipping it this week, not that I'm concerned or worried that I may not have lost weight, or even gained weight, but simply because of what was previously stated about Diet vs. Lifestyle. This isn't about weight loss and I don't want to get to caught up in what the scale tells me. I'm more concerned about what my body is telling me in how I feel and the changes I can physically see. So far after 2 weeks, I feel great, I'm rarely hungry (I eat a lot of food on a given day, but so much of it is fruit and vegetables that it is low in calories) I haven't seen any workouts affected so far and I'm trying new foods. Will probably put off my weigh in for another week, or two, heck maybe I won't weigh in for a month, it really doesn't matter anyway in the long run.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Tonight I'm hoping to get in a decent workout after work, I think a kickboxing style cardio workout is just what I need, punching and kicking the crap out of the bag should help blow off some steam, mix in some jump ropes, sprints on the treadmill, burbees and crunches and I should be able to get a decent workout. I've actually been more motivated to workout at night recently than mornings which is the exact opposite of this summer when I was getting up early but couldn't find the drive to workout after work or dinner. Maybe I should just go with it and reverse my workouts and put the more important and harder workouts in the evening and then keep it lighter in the morning and get up just a little later to accommodate.
The bright side to this all is right now there is no plan, there is no schedule so I'm not beating myself up too much if a skip a day. I want to be mentally fresh once the New Year rolls around and I get back into more structured training.
I was taking a look at race planning for next year already the other day, I already have decided I am going to cut way back on my running events and focus more on triathlons. I will do the Live Uncommon Race Series events again but other than those probably not too many others. I am going to try and do all of the Heartland of America Triathlon Series events this year. Of the 4 events I did last year I thought they were all done incredibly well and I had a great time at each one so might as well try out the rest, besides they are all held in Iowa and only a couple require an overnight stay. Just sitting here typing about next years races is getting my motivation going, I know another thing I am really missing right now is the Saturday morning running group, need to get those going again. Until this last year I have never really trained with a group and it really provided a lot of extra motivation during those times when I didn't really feel like training.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Paleo Diet - Week #1 in the books
Well my first week of the Paleo diet is in the books without any major blow ups, well with exception for the planned ones. Friday night I went off diet and devoured a big @$$ burrito and then again on Sunday afternoon I had pizza over at my grandma's for lunch, but I had planned on 2 or 3 non paleo meals this week and I ended up with those 2 so I consider that a victory. To be honest the burrito and pizza tasted delicious but both left me feeling overly full and bloated later. The thing I have enjoyed most about my new eating approach is I can eat, sometimes a lot, and be full but not sick to my stomach full. If I wanted to I could easily go workout or play with my kids after eating a baked sweet potato, piece of fish and grilled chicken and spinach salad without having to wait hours for my stomach to digest. I'm feeling full and satisfied without being bloated and sick to may stomach later.
I ramped up my workouts towards the later part of the week, definitely noticed a spike in my hunger so I'm making a couple changes this week, instead of eating 3 meals consisting of 600-700 calories each and 2 snacks consisting of 200-350 calories each for my total of 2800 calories, this week I'm going to try just eating 4 meals a day of 700 calories each and see how that does.
Getting pretty excited to weigh in tomorrow, I know I shouldn't get my hopes up too much, I have to be prepared that I may not have lost any weight or even gained some weight over the last week. It would be a disappointment I won't lie, but ultimately I'm not doing this for the weight loss, but for the health benefits and to help lean my body up, I'm perfectly comfortable staying between 200-215 pounds I just would prefer to not have the extra 10-20 pounds of useless weight around my midsection and distribute that more to the rest of body as muscle that will in theory make me more efficient.
***So since I didn't post this on Monday I'll update my weigh in results here, pretty freaking excited to say that I dropped 3.6 pounds the first week. I was really nervous that I might not have lost anything so seeing any negative was good seeing 211.6 on the scale was great!
Goals for this week:
1) Continue to increase my workout load (running, biking, swimming, cross training)
2) Trim down my intake of dairy
3) Keep my non-paleo meals to 2 or less
4) Get to the gym to lift weights
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Friday, November 02, 2012
Paleo Diet Day #4 and #5
This morning I got up early and jumped on my bike trainer and rode for an hour. Afterwards I did 5 rounds of 75 single jump ropes, 20 push ups and 20 lunges, pretty tough workout after the bike definitely one (or similar) that I'll do more of going forward. Found a great website the WOD Shop that generates Crossfit workouts, so I can do them at home with what I have available or take with me to the Y when I lift before or after my swims, pretty cool!
My appetite has been way up today, due to the higher volume workout this morning, so glad tonight is my big cheat meal of the week. We typically go to Habenero's in East Moline every Friday so I'm going to enjoy my Sr. Burro tonight, not going to go crazy but it's most definitely not going to be a paleo friendly meal.
Long run this weekend is probably only going to be an hour, legs are still pretty sore and tired, and looking forward to a nice long trainer ride on Sunday afternoon while watching football.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Paleo Diet Day #3 - Halloween
Today will be my first real test since I finally got my lazy tail out of bed and went for a run this morning, only got 3.5 miles in, legs are still tired and sore from Spartan Race, but it will certainly ramp up my appetite a little. Over the last 3 days I have taken in roughly 2600-2900 calories which is a far cry from the 4000+ I could easily consume in one day before hand, and I haven't had any issues with being overly hungry at times. I'm still eating 5-6 times a day so that helps out and eating more meat definitely helps keep me full. Plus I'm eating large quantities of food, its just the foods I'm eating (salad, lean meat) has less calories than what I may have otherwise eaten. I think I have packed enough food for the day here is a breakdown of what's in my lunch box and what I'll most likely consume today.
Post work shake (at home) 1 c strawberries, 1/2 c blueberries, 1 c spinach, 1/3 c dry oatmeal, 2 scoops protein powder, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 c milk, 1 c fruit punch G2
Snack #1 Spinach salads with 1 oz grilled chicken and apple
Lunch - 1 large sweet potato,4 oz grilled chicken, 2 tbsp salsa, 3 oz tilapia and 1 container of plain Greek yogurt
Snack #2 Spinach salads with 1 oz grilled chicken and 1/4 c mixed nuts
Dinner - I will most likely have a sweet potato and either fish or chicken
I know some of the items like milk and Greek yogurt are technically allowed in a strict Paleo diet but this is part of my modification. Those items may eventually leave my diet but for now there in and okay with it.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Paleo Diet Day#2
I did get a short bike workout in last night after dinner, my entire body is still sore from the Spartan Race on Saturday so riding my bike trainer for 30 minutes and some jump ropes to warm up and cool down was all I could muster. This is actually the perfect time to introduce this diet, my activity level this week will be considerably reduced as I recover from the race. Next week I will get back into more of my normal routine, working out 5-6 days a week with a couple of doubles mixed in. Going to keep the volume down for now and allow my body to adjust to functioning on different diet.
Big goals for next week are to:
1) Get back into my normal sleep pattern; I have been really bad about going to bed on time since the fall TV schedule started back up.
2) Start weight training again.
3) Getting my morning workout in and stop sleeping in everyday (really dependant on #1).
I weighed myself in yesterday morning @ 215.2 which is outstanding considering I pigged out this weekend before and after the race. I pretty much ate everything I knew I was giving up knowing it would be awhile before I had certain foods again. I am down 2.8 pounds from a few weeks ago when I topped out at 218 after the QC Marathon which is the heaviest I have been in over a year. I was pretty disappointed in that when I saw it at first but then I realized I have gained a significant amount of muscle over the last year with training for triathlons and rededication to weight training.
I didn't state this before but my motivation for doing the paleo diet is not centered around losing weight, but more importantly about getting leaner and ultimately living a healthier life. So many of the diseases that are running rampant in our society today can be traced back to our diets, specifically on processed foods that God never intended for the human body to consume. I believe in this diet because it is focused around eating lean meats, vegetables, fruit and nuts and eliminating foods that don't naturally exist on their own. Most diets when you hear what you have to eat or what you can't eat you question whether it really will work or if it's a scam to buy their products but it would be pretty difficult for anyone to argue that eating a diet consisting of lean meats, and fruits and vegetables is bad for you, heck isn't that what doctors have been telling us for years? In my mind it makes sense and I'm really passionate about it.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Paleo Diet - Day #1
First, for those not already familiar with the Paleo or "Cave Man" Diet, it essentially is eliminating any processed food and only eating foods that would have been readily available to early man. So meat, fish, poultry, fruit, vegetables and nuts. No white sugar, flour, bread, pasta, pizza etc...
Now before I continue let me state for the record that I do not intend to follow a "Strict" Paleo Diet, I will adhere to the basic principles but I will be modifying to accommodate my endurance training by following the eating principles laid out in the book The Paleo Diet for Athletes, which more or less allows for certain modern foods to be eaten immediately before, during and after intense and prolonged training and or races. I will still have 1-3 meals a week that wouldn't even come close to counting as a Paleo meal, hey I am a husband and father whose family isn't exactly on board with my idea of a diet. And there will be those times when traveling, vacation, family get together etc. where I will have to set aside principles for practicality.
I'm starting this now with the intent to get as lean as possible over the winter, in addition I will be focusing more on strength and conditioning by lifting weights, incorporating a Crossfit style workout 2-3 times a week. I know that the first week or 2 will most likely be the most difficult but I'm dedicated to following the diet as strictly as I am able to. I know by best weapon to achieving success is preparation and planning so meal planning will be essential. I have a Paleo Cookbook that I will be using for recipe ideas and hopefully that helps, because no matter how much I love grilled meat, fish, chicken with sweet potato's, eating that 2-3 times a day everyday will get old very quickly.
Tomorrow I will weigh myself in like I do every Tuesday morning to get a starting point to track my progress through out this journey. Looking forward to some awesome results, and I know that the scale will not be the ultimate determination, body fat % is really my main goal to get it down to the 10% range, I currently (according to my scale at home) am around 24%. At 215 pounds that's roughly 50 lbs of fat I'm carrying around, I would like to lose at least half of that.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday night ride and a busy weekend
Speaking of camping, kind of excited for Casey's first Cub Scout camping trip tonight out at Loud Thunder, even though it is going to be wet and rainy all day today and tonight, we should still have fun. Afterwards tomorrow afternoon, my new baby niece gets baptized and I have been chosen to be the Godfather, which really means a lot to me especially since their family is Catholic and I am not, I know the significance this means and I'm honored that they chose me. Part of my Relentless Forward Motion mantra is tied around my faith and my spiritual beliefs. This is one area in my life I really have worked on over the last couple of years and undoubtedly have so much more work to do but being asked to be a Godparent shows that I have made strides. I still see those people at Church every Sunday and hope someday I can be as open and forthright about my faith, and celebration of God as them but I know it is always a work in progress because there is no perfect person, but God is perfect and through Him I can do all things (that is something I try to remind myself during those tough miles in a race or training run).
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Saturday, October 06, 2012
Saturday Long (Cold) Run
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Time for a change
It has been a great run as the Incredible Shrinking Man but now it's time for a change, time to move on and move forward, and for those of you who know me well, you know my passions (obsessions) can turn on a dime, but isn't that how we evolve as a person, in our professions or as an athlete anyway? To constantly change? To get better at anything you have to change, try new things, and never be content with your current situation.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Post Marathon Reflections and Recovery
Physically I'm not ready to get back to training so I am going to continue to take it easy the remainder of this week. Mentally I'm game but between fatigue and battling a minor cold rest is the best prescription right now. I just haven't had the desire to get up early this week, a continuation of last week, and honestly the extra 2 hours of sleep is the best thing for me any way. I did get on the bike for 30 minutes on Tuesday, and I'm going to shoot for another 30 minutes tonight as well. Maybe tomorrow if I'm up to it I'll hit the pool for an easy swim, otherwise I will take the rest.
So what I learned this time around from the marathon...
- I need more long runs (18-20 miles) leading up to the race. This year I did only one 20 miler and it's really the main reason I feel like I broke down both physically and mentally at the end of the race. I had not adequately prepared my body or mind for that much hurting after that much time, something I believe you can only do through long training runs.
- I need to practice running on tired legs. I ran only 3 (maybe 4) times a week this year with all the additional triathlon training and although this greatly improved my overall fitness it did not adequately prepare me for miles 21-26 were running on tired legs is what you have to do. Last year I would do an 8-10 miler the day before my long run on the weekend where this year I was either swimming or taking a day of rest.
- Training for speed pays off in longer distance as well as shorter. I did much more speed training this year, actually more accurately put I should say I did better quality speed training. I pushed myself much harder during tempo runs and even incorporated some Yasso 800's, which going forward I would like to do on a more consistent basis.
It still amazes me the difference between a marathon and all the other race distances, the amount of awe, hatred and respect I have for it. How immediately afterwards I'm hating it so much and questioning why i subject myself to this torture to only a few days later I can't wait to do another one. Maybe it's because unlike a 5k, 10k or even a half marathon you can't just jump right into another one a few weeks later. It takes more time to heal and then prepare properly for the next one. Recovery for a 5k or a 10k takes a day may 2 a half not much longer, I've run a half marathon than gone out the next week and run 20 miles, but I couldn't for the life of me imagine going and running another marathon this coming weekend, let alone making an attempt at a PR. Maybe that is why deep down inside I love this distance the most, because it requires more patience, timing and discipline than shorter distances.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, September 24, 2012
QC Marathon Race Report
![]() |
John showing off some impromptu cold weather head gear |
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
10 Personal Running Questions
Best run ever?
The first time I ran 10 miles, my first "Glory Run" and the first time I really understood the runners high.
Three words that describe your running?
Diesel Freight Train
Your go-to running outfit?
Black shorts, red shirt.
Quirky habit while running?
Clenching my thumbs in between my fingers.
Morning, midday, evening?
Mornings always. I have run at night, but it's no good.
I won’t run outside when it’s ____________
Thundering and lightning, sub zero yes, hotter than hell - if I have to but I refuse to get struck by lightning while running.
Worst injury—and how you got over it.
Thankfully no major injuries to date, had some knee issues earlier this year stopped running for 2 weeks.
I felt most like a bad ass runner when _________
Leaping over obstacles, running through mud, and hurdling fire in Warrior Dash or Spartan Race.
Next race is __________
Quad City Marathon, 9/23/2012
Potential running goal for 2013?
50 miler, Half Ironman, 3:30 marathon, sub 20 5k
Consider yourself tagged...
Best run ever?
Three words that describe your running?
Your go-to running outfit?
Quirky habit while running?
Morning, midday, evening?
I won’t run outside when it’s ____________
Worst injury—and how you got over it.
I felt most like a badass mother runner when _________ (changed the wording on this since I'm not a mother)
Next race is __________
Potential running goal for 2013?
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Ouch Half Marathon - A PR with pit stops
I was not in the right frame of mind to race this day and I had a fairly negative attitude going into the race. I knew physically I was ready but I think I am reaching my limit on racing this year, I have had a big schedule this summer and I'm ready to ease things back and just focus on the QC Marathon in just over a month.
To make matters worse I had 2 gels in pocket and somewhere between picking up my packet and walking the 50 feet to my car I managed to miss place one of my gels. Normally this would have concerned me and set me up for failure for the race, but since I was not optimistic about this race to begin with I really didn't care.
As the race started I set out at a conservative pace around 8:30-8:45, I chatted with a couple of friends from Live Uncommon and another gentleman I was running next too. Up ahead I could see my Nemesis (long story but this is a guy I have had sprint to the finish battles with over the last 2 years at some local races) and he was leading the pack. This must have triggered something in me and I was ready to race now, my pace start to pick up over the next couple of miles, I figured I had no chance to catch the leaders but I now wanted to finish with a good time. The first 3 miles went by pretty quick and slowly picked off runners in front of me till we reached Middle Park lagoon and I made my first bathroom pit stop. Now I had to start picking off all the runners I had just passed, but this gave me something to think about and small little goals to achieve. This is just one of the little mental games I play during races to keep me motivated.
Miles 4-8 were pretty uneventful and I passed some more people and by this point the pack was pretty spread out so not so many people ahead to catch and pass. Right before mile 7 we were running along river drive and the thought suddenly dawned on me that we were going to have to run up Belmont which I knew was a long fairly steep (by Iowa standards) hill. I suddenly lost a little of my motivation and my pace reflected it, I had been cruising along at 7:30 or under and slowed to 7:40ish. That was when I really started asking myself how much I was willing to hurt today and I didn't know if I was ready yet to give it my all. As we made our way up Belmont I was gaining on another guy and I suddenly decided I was ready to hurt just a little more and I made a push to pass him on the way up the hill. I love passing people going up hill, there is something mentally about being able to find another gear when most people start to slow down. Once I got to the top of the hill I was ready for my one and only gel, which by the way was a GU Chocolate Outrage, which is easily my favorite especially when they are warm after sitting in your picket for over an hour (gross I know, but delicious).
Miles 9-13 started off with me not having a clue where to go once we got to Middle Road, for the majority of the race the course was really well marked but here they could have used a sign, or one of the volunteers that for some reason were parked at drive ways along Belmont which seemed unnecessary. I had to slow and wait a few seconds for the people behind me to ask which way to go. Luckily Maddie Reynolds and another PV runner where just behind me and they knew the course. The run along Middle road was good, I had to stop again for a bathroom break which is unusual, I'm usually pretty reliable for a pit stop at 3-4 miles in but good after that, I did drink at every aid station grabbing Gatorade to compensate for the lack of a gel to start the race. At the turn from Middle Road to 53rd I could see my nemesis up ahead, he apparently had either gone out to fast or was just having a bad day. I felt bad for him (I bare no serious ill will towards him, we just have an unspoken rivalry, heck he may not even be aware of me for all I know) but now I had a target to set my sights. I passed him around mile 10 and I felt pretty strong at that point, especially since I knew the rest of the course would be flat. My pace dropped down for the last 2 miles and I was able to finish strong at just about 7:00 mile for the last mile.
Even though I wasn't mentally prepared for this race, physically I was ready and that carried me through. I was also blessed with gorgeous weather to start the day and that always makes it easier to finish strong. I set a new Half Marathon PR @ 1:40:17 and finished 2nd in my age division. I'm very encouraged with this finish, and have a lot of confidence in my running going into the QC Marathon that I can make my goal even though I'm not really ready to admit what my goal was. Originally I was thinking 3:45 which would be a 9 minute improvement over last year but after the Ouch race my outside stretch goal doesn't seem like to much of a stretch now. I'm going to wait to put a number down until I get a couple more long runs in, but I'm feeling very confident and excited to run the marathon again.
Thanks for reading...
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Hickory Grove Duathlon Race Report
I was really excited for this race since it was going to be the first time Deanna and the boys were going to join me and spectate. We stayed over in nearby Ames the night before and we crushed a Pizza Ranch buffet before visiting some friends that lived in the area. I actually slept really well the night before, probably due to the 4:30 am 12 mile run I had done that morning, even though I had a race that day, marathon training still took precedent. I ran with a buddy who had 16 scheduled so he ran to my house and we knocked out 12 before he finished up the last couple of miles on his own. I am starting to get my mindset back into distance training for running again, and really have enjoyed my longer runs on Saturday morning.
I woke up bright and early and got my morning coffee and Honey Stinger Waffle before heading downstairs to warm up on the treadmill. Casey woke up with me (he is an early riser like is dad) and joined me on the treadmill, I did a nice easy 10 minute mile before heading upstairs to shower and get dressed. Deanna was a little stressed getting her and the boys ready, she was worried about making me late but I assured her it was going to be okay. We were staying 15 minutes away from the park and I already had my run warm up in, so I just needed enough time to get my body marks, chip and set up transition and then after that I was in the 4th wave so I had 15 minutes after final instructions to burn off any nervous energy.
Run #1
We toed the starting line, aka a crack in the pavement, I was with the 4th wave, Clydesdales and men 45+ so I figured I would be out front. I started at the front and after the start I had 2 guys in front of me, I passed one of the age groupers and got passed by only one person who happened to also be a clydesdale so I knew where I was sitting going into transition. The run was short and fast which is awkward for me, I didn't know how fast to go out, I probably could have gone faster than the 7:13 I posted but I didn't want to burn my legs out for the ride. Coming back into transition Deanna and the boys were camped out right before the entrance and swerved over to slap high fives and nearly missed the entrance, oh well it was worth it!
Transition #1 went off without a hitch slipped off my shoes threw on my bike shoes and helmet and was off.
The bike started off pretty good, legs felt shot already from the run but recovered once I got going. I could see the guy who had passed me so I worked on slowly catching up to him. The course went out of the park and then 3 loops around the park before coming back into the park again. No major hills but definitely a rolling course, it was hard to get into a good groove and after the first 2 loops my legs were feeling the 12 miles I ran the day before. The upside to the 3 loop course was there was always people on the course and you were never riding alone. The down side was if someone passed you, you had no idea what loop they were on and this end up coming back to bite me later as I learned. The other negative about the bike was I got steamrolled by 3 or 4 guys just cruising right along in a draft line, at that point it was a flat section and I was doing 25-26 mph and they passed be like I was standing still. This really irritated me as drafting is illegal, the course was supposedly patrolled by a referee and I don't know if they got busted with a time penalty or not but these guys were obviously veterans at triathlons evidenced by their bike and gear and they should have known better.
Transition #2 as I came into transition Deanna and the boys were set up right next to my bike rack and cheering me on. It was so awesome having them there and cheering.
Run #2
This run was primarily on trails and grass which was great, although I wished I had known that prior and I would have worn a different pair of shoes. My Kinvara's are great to run in but on wet grass I slip and it started sprinkling just as I entered transition to drop off my bike. Shortly after the run started the returning runners turn right in front of the outgoing runners to head to the finish line and I did not hear the race volunteer warning me to stay to the left and I ran smack into a guy running in. Trust me he took the worst of it as I probably out weighed him by 50+ pounds, but neither of us left are feet, I apologized and he just ran on to finish, I really hope I didn't cost him valuable seconds in a close finish. The rest of the run was uneventful and went by without any other incidents, I passed a couple of people and the Clydesdale I passed on the bike was no where to be seen so I thought I had my division wrapped up as I crossed the finish line with Casey and Caden standing right there cheering me on, which was AWESOME! I finished in 1:07:50
When I checked the standings later on I was listed as first in the Clydesdale division, but during the awards ceremony I was announced as second, I was confused and wanted to ask why but I wasn't super concerned so decided not to bring it up. Besides the rain was making a return and they were hustling to get everything torn down. On the ride home I decided to email the race director for clarification and he emailed me back later to explain the guy who took first signed up that morning so he wasn't in the system for the results and had to be manually entered. I was happy with that answer, it really doesn't matter if I finish first or second or last I just love the competition.
Thanks for reading...
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Tuesday run, bike and maybe a swim
I have found recently that it is easier for me to get up at 4:30 to get ready to work out by setting my alarm for 4 instead of 4:15, makes some sense seeing as how I have a habit of hitting the snooze button, so this way I still get to hit the snooze 3 times and get up on time.
I was out the door and ready to go at 4:55, I ran the first mile plus as a warm up with Lucky, he doesn't do so well on speed days even on a nice cool morning like today, but he still got 1.4 miles in before I dropped him off and changed shoes (yes I put the wrong shoes on this morning in my sleepy haze).
The run went pretty well I was hitting my mile splits just about where I wanted to be and half way through I realized how easy the pace felt. Running when it feels as effortless as it did this morning is such an amazing thing. I'm no speed demon for sure but when I am able to throw down 8:20, 8:00, 7:50 miles and not feel like I'm putting out much effort I know running well. It felt really good to have such a great run, I have been neglecting my running lately and with a marathon coming up I really need to start stretching my mid week tempo runs and speed days out as well as my mid distance easy runs. This time last year I was doing tempo runs of 8 miles total and easy runs of 8-10 miles mid week so I am a little behind schedule. Fitness wise I'm probably ahead of the curve with all the cross training, swimming and biking I've been doing so I'm not going to worry to much about it. Just need to pick things up over the next couple of weeks and get in some good long runs which shouldn't be a problem considering how many people I know that are training for the same race.
After my run I decided to hop on the bike trainer, I actually swapped my new tri bike for the road bike on the trainer, I found last night that the road bike is slightly more comfortable to ride on the trainer so I will most likely for now just keep it on there and ride my tri bike when I get outside, which I plan on doing tomorrow afternoon. I am taking the day off since it is my birthday, my plan is to do 35 miles for my 35 birthday, plus this will serve as my long ride for the week since I'm doing the Hickory Grove Triathlon on Sunday.
Thanks again for reading and until next time...
Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Friday, August 03, 2012
Getting back in the groove and my new bike
This week I have really felt like I'm back in the groove of training. I'm getting in good quality workouts and I have found myself wanting and craving to do more, even though I am resisting the temptations, don't want to burn out. I was talking with my friend Jay the other day and he made the statement that he prefers the training more so than the actual races and I'll admit I'm inclined to agree with him. Don't get me wrong I love to race, it feeds my competitive desire, and I love competing in triathlons even more so than straight running events, but the real pay off is in the 5 am training sessions. I love the training, the dedication, the focus on a goal, and the structure of a training plan. Everyday after a workout, whether good or bad I know I've accomplished something. The worst workout I've ever had was still better than sitting on the couch.
So speaking of loving to workout I am really looking forward to my first ride on my new (to me) triathlon bike. I'm going to be completely honest and say this bike is way to nice for me but I got an incredible deal that I frankly couldn't pass up. My original plan was to wait till February when I got my tax return and by a new bike but I was able to pick up a used Trek Equinox 9 (carbon frame) outfitted with Sram Red components (top of the line) for much less than a entry level aluminium tri bike with the basic components. I am very excited, my biggest concern buying a tri bike was spending that kind of cash on a bike I would want to upgrade after maybe only a year or 2 of racing, but with this bike there is not much to upgrade too so I will hopefully get many years of riding before I feel the need to upgrade. I am just waiting for a new cassette for the rear wheel, which I had to buy separately, to come in the mail so I can take my new toy for a spin. It will be the equivalent of racing a Ferrari powered by a Ford engine (a F-250 Diesel) with me on it but I will certainly be faster than on my road bike. Also having that bike has been extra motivation to work out, been a couple of days I wanted to sleep in this week, but I thought I gotta justify owning that bike by getting my butt up and workout. I'll post a pic once I have it all assembled.
Thanks for reading and until next time...
Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Prioritizing my workouts
Headed to the Y this morning to swim and run afterwards, but decided on the way there to do my run first. I came to the realization the other day that I need to start prioritizing my workouts. I need to determine what the objective of my training is and set goals and plan my workouts to achieve those goals. With the QC Marathon coming up in just a short 8 weeks running really needs to take) a higher priority in my training.
I started my run off way to fast the first mile or so and realized I wasn't going to be able to hang on for that long at that pace. I eased it back for the next couple of miles and then finished it off strong the last mile plus.
After my run I hit the pool, I felt horrible in the water to start with. It seemed like it took forever to warm my arms and shoulders up but I eventually got in a nice groove.
Lastly I weighed in this morning at 210.8 which I am very happy with. My weight has been creeping up lately and I have been as high as 218 recently. I have been really lax on my diet and I need to correct that. I have been motivated by some people to get back on my healthy eating ways and it reminded me of a goal I had to be at or under 200 for QC Marathon. Dropping a few extra pounds will really help me achieve my goals for the marathon this year. Thanks for reading...until next time, do today what others won't so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Running, Birth and Death in the family
Yesterday was a bitter sweet day for the Campbell family on the good I found out my cousin gave birth to her first baby, a little girl, on the bad we found out late last night that Deanna's grandmother passed away. I suppose it is a perfect example of the circle life, one life begins as another ends.
Plans are in the works for the visitation and funeral arrangements, I may end up having to miss the Bix 7 Race this weekend, but that really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, there will be other races, Lord knows I've had plenty already this year.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Lake Geode Challenge Race Report
After checking in and unloading everything I went for a quick shake out run and then headed to dinner. I browsed the menu and then just asked the waitress "What's the biggest burrito you have?" and this is what she brought to the table.
Race Morning:
I woke up at 4:30 after getting maybe 4 hours of sleep, to much excitement to sleep the night before, went through my routine and got ready to head out to the race. Driving into the park I got a taste of some of the hills we would encounter on the run and bike and quickly determined why the race has the word Challenge in it's title. Not that any of them where huge but by Iowa standards and most where on winding narrow roads that would be sharing with cars during the race, this could prove to be interesting. After getting my transition set up I headed out for a warm up run and bike and got my first taste of the hills, first hill was right after leaving transition area. When I got back from the bike warm up, I found someone had set up shop right where I was stationed even though I had my towel, shoes, bag and the rest of my gear all laid out the people next to me kindly shifted their stuff down so I could squeeze my bike in with out having to move everything. Speaking of the people next to me in transition, I ran into some people I had seen at Bluff Creek, I only recognized them because the guy was wearing a Bluff Creek T shirt and one of the girls he was with raced for the University of Iowa Tri Hawks, anyway I heard some amazingly outlandish stories of things they have seen and or done at Tri's. Every good transition story should start with, "At least I didn't get as wasted last night as the last race, I probably could have gotten a DUI on my bike that day" and I also heard a story about a girl getting buck naked in transition in front of everyone at an Ironman event after the swim before changing into her bike clothes. Easily the highlight of my day was listening to them share some crazy stories.
Headed down to the beach to get a warm up swim in before our pre race meeting. The water was very warm, no wetsuit for this race which at first made me a little nervous but after my warm up I felt very confident and ready to go.
Nothing I say in this section is going to be as interesting as one particular item so I'm just going to get this nugget out of the way now...I threw up in the water during the back peddle for just a minute. The swim started in 4 waves, 3 minutes apart and I was in the second wave. I started off nice and easy but quickly found myself swimming alone with 4 or 5 guys from my wave ahead and the rest behind me. I was going along pretty good and got into a very comfortable rhythm early, I even passed a couple of people from the wave ahead of me which surprised the heck out of me. After the turn around at half way my stomach started feeling a little tight and queasy, I had eaten my regular breakfast but I grabbed a bagel from the hotel before leaving and I think that little bit extra was too much in my stomach and that's when I first thought I might vomit, I was just hoping to make it out of the water. With a quarter of the swim left to go I pushing a little harder and when I turned my head to breathe it just happened, I threw up in the water, not much but enough that if there had been anyone behind me they would have been in for a surprise. I instantly felt better and powered my way into the beach. I finished up the 1500 meter swim in 24:37, which I was extremely happy with my goal was to come out in 30 mins.
Transition was a lot easier with out a wet suit to deal with but I took my time to collect myself and make sure I had everything before heading out T1 was in 1:27 quick but easily could have gone faster, but happy none the less.
Like I said earlier the bike starts of with a pretty good hill that really kind of zapped me right away, but after recovering for minute I was able to put in to a big gear and get cranking. There was one more good size climb shortly after leaving the park after a big down hill where I hit a top speed of 41 miles per hour, when I saw that on my bike computer I got kind of nervous for a second but just held on for dear life and didn't even think about touching my brakes. The majority of the course was flat and on some of the stretches I got into my biggest gears and was hitting speeds of 25-27 mph I was worried that I was going to gas out for the second half of the ride and be left in a world of hurt for the run but the effort level was not the high. I shifted way forward on my seat which took a lot of the tension of my quads, hurt my under carriage to sit that far forward, but I can see the benefit of a tri bike putting you in a more forward position and saving your legs, can't wait til I can invest the money in one.
I passed quite a few people on the bike which really surprised me and didn't get passed my very many either, I was able to pass a couple of guys on one small hill towards the end before coming back into the park where there was probably the most dangerous downhill section. I knew it was going to be bad when I say the hay bails lining the side of the road, I slowed way down and made no attempt at hitting that turn at top speed especially with returning bikers making that same turn coming from the other direction. Coming into transition I felt really good and was hoping for a great time. I glimpsed at my watch and knew I was under 1:15 which was my goal, I officially finished the bike section in 1:14:19.
Transition 2 was uneventful and I was in and out in 1:07
I started off the run feeling pretty good, took it nice and slow up the first hill and then after start to pick up some speed I got passed right away by a younger kid and I pretty much rode his coat tails the whole way. On the run course I really got to experience how wonderful the volunteer staff was, they were super supportive yelling out encouragement and evening running along side of you to hand you water or gatorade so you wouldn't have to break stride or move over into a crowd. There was an aid station every mile or more and each had water, gatorade, bags of ice, cold sponges or towels, simply amazing support by this race.
The run itself went great, I never felt like I was pushing to hard even though as the race director described it was a very technical course with over 400 feet of elevation gain and loss. My goal was to run in 52 minutes or just under 8:30 pace and every time I would look down at my watch I would see my pace right where I needed it to be or under and that just fueled me to move a little faster. I ended up passing the kid I had been following at mile 5 and I told him I followed him the whole way now don't let me pass you now, he kept up with me towards the end and finished just after me. The last hill (which was the first) I was just in a controlled fall going down I topped out at 5 min mile pace which is smoking fast for me and darn near dangerous going down hill but I carried that momentum all the way through the last turn and passed the finish line in a run time of 51:05 and a total time of 2:32:35 which was good enough for 45th overall and first in the Clydesdale Division.
I'm really happy with this race, my goal was to go under 2:45 and I blew that out of the water, I never felt like I was pushing to hard and felt comfortable (well as comfortable as you can be in an endurance sport) throughout the whole race. I know I could have pushed harder if I had too, but it wasn't easy by any stretch.
This was truly an amazing event and it will be a must do for the future. I will say I was nervous and intimidated by the Olympic distance but after having done what I've been told is a very difficult course I can honestly say I really enjoyed it and can't wait to do another one.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Slept in again and Perfect timing
So far this taper week as gone really good for me, I haven't been crawling out of my skin like normal when I cut my workout time way down, in fact I am pretty sure I was bordering on burn out this week so a taper is just what I need right now. It's not that I want to quit and give up my endurance pursuits but I have pretty much been at it non stop since Jan. 2 and I really just need a break, and what better time than right before what is my biggest race of the year so far.
I have really enjoyed sleeping in the last 2 days and I'm hoping that come tomorrow morning at 7:30 I will be ready to hit the water with the energy and enthusiasm that I'll need to power me to an amazing race.
I will head down to Burlington tonight after an early dinner with the family, to pick up my race packet and find my hotel. I will most likely get in a run or a short ride just to help calm my nerves than it will be time to relax and mentally prepare for the adventure tomorrow. Physically I know I am ready, and mentally I am confident in my abilities, the only thing that is out of my control are the things that are always out of my control like weather, and that is not worth worrying about. I will try to get a good nights sleep but doubt that will happen, either way I will be geared up for the time of my life.
I love what I do, plain and simple, that is why I enjoy it so much. Many people think endurance sports is crazy and they are entitled to their opinion, I for one think hitting and then chasing after a golf ball for hours on a Sunday morning is crazy but then again I've never been one for golf. I've learned the key to fitness is finding something you love to do, and then it never seems like exercise. And when it doesn't seem like fun, do something else part of the reason I have fallen in love with triathlon training, don't want to swim then bike, don't want to bike then run, don't want to run, lift weight etc. If I get burned out on one discipline I just focus on something else a little more for awhile, it all comes back around eventually.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Today I did nothing...
Speaking of a great race I have set out some goals for this race, much like I always do.
1) Have fun, this is always my #1 goal. I'm not into endurance sports because I have any chance of winning, I do it because I love the challenge, I love doing things most people find impossible and that is fun for me.
2) Place in the top 3 of the Clydesdale division. I have looked at results from last years race and judging my those times and what I believe I'm capable of that should be a realistic goal, but certainly not the end all be all of how I judge my performance.
3) Time Goal: This one is a little tricky since I've never done an Olympic Distance, but if I double my time from the QC Tri I would finish under 2:45 which sounds reasonable to me. The swim distance is 900 yards further (so more than double), but the bike is only 10 miles longer (so less than double) and the run is a 10k vs. a 5k. I think this is a pretty obtainable goal and if I hit that then goal #2 should be in the bag.
Really looking forward to this race, the nerves are stating to set in and I can't wait for Saturday.
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
5 days and counting
5 days and counting until my first attempt at an Olympic Distance Triathlon and I'll admit I'm a little nervous. I was really nervous about the swim and potentially not being able to wear my wetsuit but after last nights swim I'm confident that won't we any issue. Overall I am just nervous about the step up in distance from a sprint but i know i have done the training, heck I've been following a half Ironman training plan so i know I've done the work now i need to just trust in my ability and take it easy the next couple days.
Rode the trainer this morning while watching ESPN, wanted to watch yesterdays stage of the tour de France but my dvr recording was all jacked up, oh well if that is my biggest complaint today then I'll be just fine. I was going to swim this morning but shoulders were a little stiff when i woke up so decided to scratch it in favor of an extra hour of sleep, can't get enough sleep this week that's for sure, especially after last
On deck tonight is an easy run if i feel like it and then tomorrow is my last hard run. Going to drop my bike off this morning for a tune upland get it ready to race. Until next time... Do today what others won't so tomorrow you can do what others can't.Sunday, July 08, 2012
Early morning trainer
5:30am - Got on the bike early this morning before church with the intentions of riding 2.5 hours or 50 miles, but i just didn't have it in me this morning. I couldn't get warmed up, legs felt dead tired and so did the rest of me. I tried eating a little bit at about 45 minutes but still couldn't get into a groove.
Made the decision to cut the ride short and finish the rest later. After drinking a protein shake and showering I still felt dead tired, so i went back to bed to sleep another hour before church. I ended up sleeping till almost 1 while Deanna and the boys went to church, ate lunch and started cleaning out the boys room. Wow i must have more wiped out then i thought.
After finally getting up I helped Deanna and the boys for the next 5 hours moving the boys room. We switched their playroom to the bigger room to accommodate all the toys the boys have accumulated. I may still get another hour on the trainer later but if not oh well.
Until next time...
Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
H.I.I.T treadmill run
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, which I recently read about on the blog Shut Up and Run. I've done intervals before but the one key difference that Beth spoke about is during the high intensity phase it should be at maximum effort for a short time, 60 seconds for example. This greatly differ from say Yasso 800's where the effort is high but something you can sustain for 3 minutes or more.
I started out with a 1.5 mile warm up working up from 6.0 to 7.0 on the treadmill. For the intervals i ran @ 10.0 for roughly a minute, i was actually using the position on that little digital track on the screen as my start and stopping points, and then jogged @ 5.0 for roughly a minute. Repeated 10 times for 2.5 miles, then finished up with a 1 mile cool down jog.
This was a tough workout, initially the jog sections were tougher and i did walk a couple of the first ones. I realized though that is was actually easier to keep going if i didn't slow all the way down to a walk and just jog it out.
Great work out, left me sweating buckets even inside on a treadmill in air conditioning, definitely have to make this a regular in my routine.
Until next time...
Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Firecracker 10k Race Report
My day started at 4:30 with coffee and a waffle with peanut butter, my plan was to run 6 miles around the neighborhood before running down to the start of the race which is about 3 miles from my house. This would give me close to 9 miles before the race and would really give me a good idea of how I will feel running a 10k on tired legs, which is something I am going to have to deal with on the 14th as I attempt my first Olympic Distance Triathlon. I also wanted to try out a new drink combo I plan on using during the tri and see how it would feel on my stomach and this race was a perfect time to test it out.
After sweating through my first set of clothes I showered, changed and refueled and headed out to the race. Once i got there I ran into a number of friends and fellow LU members running this race, I had a couple offers to run with some people but i really did not want to turn this into a PR effort and just wanted to stick to the plan.
I did end up running the first couple of miles with Nick Sacco but after the 2 mile check point and the first hill, he was feeling strong and wanted to kick it up, I graciously declined to join him and locked into my desired pace of 8:30 min/mi.
Miles 2 - 4 went by with relative ease given the heat and humidity and this section is mostly flat, with some small hills, I took water at each and every station drinking half and dumping the rest on my neck and back trying to stay as cool as possible. I knew from running this race last year that mile 5 was where the fun began, with a slow decline down Archer Drive and then the last and most difficult hill. It was at this point I was joined by a guy who was running the 10k for the first time and i gave him a heads up that the fun was just getting started. He continued on and I did end up seeing him later on the hill and he was managing but noticeably slower.
After managing the hill myself it was all down hill and flat for the final mile. I recovered a bit on the down hill section and as we turned the corner I kicked it up a notch and finished strong crossing the line in 52:45, about 3 minutes slower than last year and 5 minutes off my 10k PR. I am very happy with my time considering the heat and the 9 miles beforehand. I feel confident that I can run right at or around 50 minutes for and Olympic Tri 10k after this race.
After the race I found Deanna and the boys and got ready for the 1 mile kids run. This was going to be Casey and Caden's first attempt at a distance other than a quarter mile and what a miserable day to try it out. Casey got a side stitch about .25 mile into the race so we walked and drank some water, Caden was roaring to go still but i wasn't going to let him run off by himself, so I made a deal with him that after the turn around once we saw the finish line he could run on ahead if he wanted to. We continued a pattern of running a couple minutes and walking through the turn around and made our way closer and closer to the finish. I was calling out words of encouragement to the boys and at one point Casey snapped at me and yelled "I can't think of anything happy I hurt too much", my only thought was welcome to running son.
Once we got to where we could see the finish line I told Caden to go ahead and run on but he said he wanted to finish with Casey...I couldn't have been more proud of him at that moment. Casey got a surge of energy knowing the end was near and with that both boys took off and made a mad dash for the finish crossing the line together in 12:26, not a bad mile time considering how much we walked. I was so proud of both boys desire and effort to finish, the real payoff of all my training was seeing the influence it has on them come through in that race, I'm more proud of that then any race I've ever run.let
Monday, July 02, 2012
Woke up tired...
After a long but very fun weekend visiting with old friends I was really tired this morning when i finally got out of bed and head to the Y for a swim.
Warm up
400 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull
Main set
8x50 first one was in 50 sec the rest between 42-45
500 yd swim easy 8:46
100 kick
2x250 forgot my times for these
500 swim was actually going to skip this and start my cool down but once I got going I decided to just do it and I'm glad I did, I hate cutting stuff out of my swim workouts.
Cool down
200 kick
Afterwards I went upstairs to lift but just did not have the energy or desire to do a hard workout, I ended up doing some bench presses and core work and cut it at 15 minutes. I'm going to run on the treadmill tonight after work since racing Wednesday morning so I'll lift tomorrow or Thursday instead.
Until next time...
Do today what others won't; so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
It's only Wednesday...
Yesterday was an incredibly long day at work, we got on the road at 8 am to make the rounds visiting stores and didn't stop until dinner, which was at 9:30 pm. I hate being on other peoples schedules, especially when they're the type that doesn't need to eat that often. I'm used to eating multiple times during the day usually every 3 hours, yesterday it was more than 8 hours between lunch and dinner. Anyway it was a struggle getting up at 4:45 this morning but I got up to battle the wind on my bike. My original plan was to try and get my long ride for the week in today but with the wind blowing out of the south and my option for bike path (after nearly getting run over yesterday I'm off the streets) heading out with the wind I really didn't want to battle it for 20+ miles on the way back. I ended up finding a nice stretch about a mile long and did intervals going hard with the wind at my back and then maintaining high cadence in a low gear coming back into the wind.
Since I cut the bike short I grabbed my running shoes after dropping the bike off in my hotel room and headed out for a brick run. The run was good to start but at 2.5 miles the suffer fest started. I could feel the fatigue of a long day yesterday and not eating like I'm accustomed to taking It's toll, I had to stop and reset. Finished the last 1.5 miles at a slower pace but o finished it. Not my best effort in training today, just didn't have today but work got done and it I didn't quit or skip out.
Until next today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Running and getting run off the road
Headed out for a run this morning from the hotel, it was an absolutely perfect morning for a run cool temps light wind, perfect. Legs felt good, a little sore from lifting yesterday and riding in a carost of the day but they loosened up quickly. I debated on just adding miles to my run and skipping my short bike ride afterwards but I need to get my bike miles in since more than likely I won't get a long ride in on Sunday. Run went great, headed back to my room to change into my bike shorts and pick up my bike and get a short ride in before getting ready for work.
I made my way out to a rural road figuring not much traffic out that was, jeez was I wrong. The traffic wasn't the biggest problem it was the jerks quo don't realize their supposed to share the road with cyclist and think driving inches away from you with their vans or trucks IA an acceptable scare tactic and outlet for their contempt for you. I had a semi truck that could have easily moved over into the other than a little, there was no on coming traffic at this point, but he choose to blow right past me his truck and trailer only inches from me nearly knock me off the road and into the gravel shoulder. To add to it he blasted his horn as he passed which scared the crap out of me more than the proximity of the truck itself.
After that eventful ride I think tomorrow I'll stick to the bike trail here in town for my longer ride.
Until next time... do today what others won't so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Ah Monday...
Once again I set my alarm but didn't actually turn it on, still woke up at 4:45 on the dot and made it to the Y by 5:02.
Swam 3000 yards this morning, normally this wouldn't have been such a big swim on a Monday but i will be out of town all week and this may be my only swim this week if i can't get to the gym on Saturday. I do have access to the Y where I'll be staying but it's not a definite that I'll be able to make it there.
After my swim hit the weights, did 4 circuits of clean and jerk, deadlifts, barbell row, shoulder shrugs, squats, bench press and crunches. I also did a few pull ups and core. When i got done the guy who was next to me came up and shook my hand and complimented me on my workout, if i ever wondered if my routine was hard enough that tells me it probably is.
Until next today what others won't so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Long ride and thunderstorms
After staying up late last night watching my boys tear it up on the dance floor, and they were seriously the talk of the reception, I was not motivated to get up for my long ride this morning. I knew there was a chance for thunderstorms this morning so i wanted to get in before they came, after finally hauling my tired butt out of bed, eating a waffle and drinking my coffee I was getting ready to go when i heard the first roll of thunder. Trainer it was going to be.
Started off really slow and legs were really sore and tired from a days worth of activities yesterday, but got in to a groove and just kept plugging away. After the first hour I felt great and actually started hammering it in a higher gear. Towards the end I debated going for another half hour but decided to head outside for a run with Lucky before the heavy rain came. Got 3 miles in at a nice easy pace, legs felt good, but my left knee started to act up at the end. Good way to end a great week of training.
Until next today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Swim, bike, run and a wedding
Had to get my swim in early today before running since we have a wedding to go to this afternoon. Warm up 600 yd 3x200 @ 3:18, 3:20, 3:17 Cool down 300. I've started wearing a watch during swims to keep better track of my progress. Was very happy with my times for the 200's.
After changing I headed over to the BHS trek to meet the Leadville guys who are doing their 24 hour run today. John O had been out there since before 5 and John B. Rick and the rest started at 7. Running 10 miles on a track was not nearly as monotonous as I thought, having good folks to run with helped, and watching the high school football team run stairs and do plyo's for summer conditioning was fun and reminded me how much I don't miss those days.
After I got home I got a 30 minute ride in that skipped from last night. Originally was going to do it this morning before my swim but i didn't think it was a good idea to swim and bike before my long run. Legs felt surprisingly strong, went at a race pace effort. Now it's time to grub down some food and get ready to go to a wedding.
Until next today what others won't so tomorrow you can do what others can't.
Friday, June 22, 2012
QC Tri Race Report
The day started off pretty good, woke up early, enjoyed a cup of coffee and a waffle with peanut butter (pretty much my new favorite pre race/workout food) and then packed up all my gear and made my way out to West Lake. I opted to park at the Church down the road and ride my bike in to avoid the crowds and traffic which turns out wasn't really all that bad, but it served as a little warm up.
Got my timing chip and as I was getting my transition area all set up it started to sprinkle which turned into a steady rain, it wasn't looking so good at that point. The swim and run would be fine, but I was nervous about riding the bike in the rain. I will run in just about any weather shy of a tornado or thunderstorms, but it doesn't take much to get me off the bike and rain is definitely on that list. I did go for a little bit of a warm up ride with Jen Paul who was doing her first Tri and she totally rocked it, ended up taking 3rd overall for the women even though she has done almost no training on the bike or swim, I guess that is what you can do when you are an elite level runner. After the ride I ran a mile warm up with Chad and then it was quickly getting time to put on the wet suit and head down to the beach for the start. Let me tell you what, putting on a wet suit is difficult enough, putting it on when it's wet and your wet is even more difficult. Luckily the rain had all but let up at this point and it was GO TIME!
The swim was a time trial start, 2 swimmers entered the water every 3 seconds, and we were lined up according to estimated swim time. I put myself in a conservative area of 10-11 min for the swim and lined up accordingly but I'm fairly certain there were more than a few people in front of me that may have over estimated their swim time as I passed quite a few people in the water and even crawled over the backs of some. At the very end I caught up with Jen who had started up front, I didn't even realize she was in front of me until I went over the back of the guy swimming next to her and then dropped my arm right on her head. I realized it was her immediately since she wasn't wearing a wet suit and I could see her Live Uncommon racing top. I actually apologized to her after we got out of the water. All in all the swim went really well, I didn't go out to fast and definitely did not push as hard as I could have, which was my intention but I did end up with the 71st fastest swim for the day.
My transition to the bike wasn't smooth, I had a difficult time getting out of my wet suit and with the rain I didn't have everything laid out like I would have liked, I had my shoes under my towel which was soaked. I easily could have saved 20-30 seconds but it wasn't a big deal in the end. I knew going into the race I wanted to have a much better bike than I did in Bluff Creek, I was willing to push harder and sacrifice a little on the run later. This ultimately paid off for me as I improved my time on the bike by nearly 3.5 minutes. The course was pretty flat, a couple of small hills.
I got off the bike knowing that if I was going to make up some ground on my division it was going to be in the run my legs felt like jelly at first but after a half mile when we got on to pavement I was ready to roll and I set out trying to find and pass every "C" (for Clydesdale Division) that I could find. As far as big guys go I'm fairly fast, not as fast as my buddy Aaron Maurer who took first in the Clydesdale division and 11th overall, but much faster than most and I ended up passing at least a half dozen guys in my division which helped me move up to 6 out of 28 in the Clydesdale division and 89 out of 583 overall. Even though I didn't finish in the top 3 in my division like at Bluff Creek I am much happier with this finish, first off there was much stiffer competition with only one distance racing and secondly I ran a much better race and finished over a minute faster than Bluff Creek
.Live Uncommon was well represented at the race with Jeff Paul taking the overall title, Jen Paul taking 3rd in the womens division, Aaron Maurer took the Clydesdale and 11th overall, Jay Gates won his age division and a whole bunch of others where out there doing their thing and representing this great cause. There is still plenty of time to make a donation to the Revolution by clicking here and checking out my fundraising page. Some truly worthing causes like Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Ouch wound research and a whole bunch of others, next race is the Moonlight Chase on July 14th which is also the same day as my next Tri and my first Olympic Distance, yup going for the double that day now that's living uncommon...
Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.