
Monday, January 15, 2007

The Brothers Campbell take another nap

For some reason the boys weren't as excited as Dad was about watching the Bears playoff game.

Bath time for a playboy

Casey loves his bath time, even more so now that he has a stylin' new bathrobe to wear.

Nap time with Daddy

Cousin Emily meets Caden

Grandma Cox and the Campbell boys

What's up little brother?

Casey is already starting to recruit Caden into helping him take over the world (see "a mad scientist takes a bath")

Mommy and Casey gettin' a little snuggle time

Thursday, January 11, 2007

And the best Christmas gift is...

It really should not have come as any suprise that the most entertaining item on Christmas was the box full of discarded wrapping paper.

Casey's new pillow

Casey got a pillow for Christmas and cousin Emily had to show him how to use it.

King Casey and his Country Crock Crown

Casey has this obsession with Cool Whip containers and putting them on like a hat. This all started at Grandma Cox's house and of course we had to get him one for home and all we had was an old Country Crock container hince the title.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hi Papa

Papa Campbell holding Caden Phillip

Papa Byard and Caden

"Did I ever tell you about the time I smoked a cigar with the Easter Bunny"

I gotcha little brother

Casey wanted to hold his little brother while we were getting ready for bed.

Hey who you callin' red?

Me and my boys

Aren't we a handsome trio... well 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Mommy gets some much needed rest

Gettin' ready to come home

Just the four of us

Casey meets his new little brother

Casey was a little hesitant at first...

...but he warmed up to his new little bro quickly.

Look at that RED hair