
Monday, August 20, 2012

Ouch Half Marathon - A PR with pit stops

This past Saturday I ran the Ouch Half Marathon, which is race #6 on the Live Uncommon Race Series and this race lived up to its name.

I was not in the right frame of mind to race this day and I had a fairly negative attitude going into the race. I knew physically I was ready but I think I am reaching my limit on racing this year, I have had a big schedule this summer and I'm ready to ease things back and just focus on the QC Marathon in just over a month.

To make matters worse I had 2 gels in pocket and somewhere between picking up my packet and walking the 50 feet to my car I managed to miss place one of my gels. Normally this would have concerned me and set me up for failure for the race, but since I was not optimistic about this race to begin with I really didn't care.

As the race started I set out at a conservative pace around 8:30-8:45, I chatted with a couple of friends from Live Uncommon and another gentleman I was running next too. Up ahead I could see my Nemesis (long story but this is a guy I have had sprint to the finish battles with over the last 2 years at some local races) and he was leading the pack. This must have triggered something in me and I was ready to race now, my pace start to pick up over the next couple of miles, I figured I had no chance to catch the leaders but I now wanted to finish with a good time. The first 3 miles went by pretty quick and slowly picked off runners in front of me till we reached Middle Park lagoon and I made my first bathroom pit stop. Now I had to start picking off all the runners I had just passed, but this gave me something to think about and small little goals to achieve. This is just one of the little mental games I play during races to keep me motivated.

Miles 4-8 were pretty uneventful and I passed some more people and by this point the pack was pretty spread out so not so many people ahead to catch and pass. Right before mile 7 we were running along river drive and the thought suddenly dawned on me that we were going to have to run up Belmont which I knew was a long fairly steep (by Iowa standards) hill. I suddenly lost a little of my motivation and my pace reflected it, I had been cruising along at 7:30 or under and slowed to 7:40ish. That was when I really started asking myself how much I was willing to hurt today and I didn't know if I was ready yet to give it my all. As we made our way up Belmont I was gaining on another guy and I suddenly decided I was ready to hurt just a little more and I made a push to pass him on the way up the hill. I love passing people going up hill, there is something mentally about being able to find another gear when most people start to slow down. Once I got to the top of the hill I was ready for my one and only gel, which by the way was a GU Chocolate Outrage, which is easily my favorite especially when they are warm after sitting in your picket for over an hour (gross I know, but delicious).

Miles 9-13 started off with me not having a clue where to go once we got to Middle Road, for the majority of the race the course was really well marked but here they could have used a sign, or one of the volunteers that for some reason were parked at drive ways along Belmont which seemed unnecessary. I had to slow and wait a few seconds for the people behind me to ask which way to go. Luckily Maddie Reynolds and another PV runner where just behind me and they knew the course. The run along Middle road was good, I had to stop again for a bathroom break which is unusual, I'm usually pretty reliable for a pit stop at 3-4 miles in but good after that, I did drink at every aid station grabbing Gatorade to compensate for the lack of a gel to start the race. At the turn from Middle Road to 53rd I could see my nemesis up ahead, he apparently had either gone out to fast or was just having a bad day. I felt bad for him (I bare no serious ill will towards him, we just have an unspoken rivalry, heck he may not even be aware of me for all I know) but now I had a target to set my sights. I passed him around mile 10 and I felt pretty strong at that point, especially since I knew the rest of the course would be flat. My pace dropped down for the last 2 miles and I was able to finish strong at just about 7:00 mile for the last mile.

Even though I wasn't mentally prepared for this race, physically I was ready and that carried me through. I was also blessed with gorgeous weather to start the day and that always makes it easier to finish strong. I set a new Half Marathon PR @ 1:40:17 and finished 2nd in my age division. I'm very encouraged with this finish, and have a lot of confidence in my running going into the QC Marathon that I can make my goal even though I'm not really ready to admit what my goal was. Originally I was thinking 3:45 which would be a 9 minute improvement over last year but after the Ouch race my outside stretch goal doesn't seem like to much of a stretch now. I'm going to wait to put a number down until I get a couple more long runs in, but I'm feeling very confident and excited to run the marathon again.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Hickory Grove Duathlon Race Report

Finally getting around to writing my race report for the Hickory Grove Duathlon, yes that's right an email on Friday stating that the swim portion would in fact be cancelled due to elevated E. Coli levels in the lake, which I suppose was a good thing, but I was really looking forward to the swim portion. Strange how when I started triathlon training over 8 months ago, swimming was the discipline I looked forward to the least and now I really enjoy it and by all accounts have gotten pretty good for a beginner, anyway the format for the day would be 1.1 mile run, 15.5 mile bike and 2 mile run.

I was really excited for this race since it was going to be the first time Deanna and the boys were going to join me and spectate. We stayed over in nearby Ames the night before and we crushed a Pizza Ranch buffet before visiting some friends that lived in the area. I actually slept really well the night before, probably due to the 4:30 am 12 mile run I had done that morning, even though I had a race that day, marathon training still took precedent. I ran with a buddy who had 16 scheduled so he ran to my house and we knocked out 12 before he finished up the last couple of miles on his own. I am starting to get my mindset back into distance training for running again, and really have enjoyed my longer runs on Saturday morning.

I woke up bright and early and got my morning coffee and Honey Stinger Waffle before heading downstairs to warm up on the treadmill. Casey woke up with me (he is an early riser like is dad) and joined me on the treadmill, I did a nice easy 10 minute mile before heading upstairs to shower and get dressed. Deanna was a little stressed getting her and the boys ready, she was worried about making me late but I assured her it was going to be okay. We were staying 15 minutes away from the park and I already had my run warm up in, so I just needed enough time to get my body marks, chip and set up transition and then after that I was in the 4th wave so I had 15 minutes after final instructions to burn off any nervous energy.

Run #1
We toed the starting line, aka a crack in the pavement, I was with the 4th wave, Clydesdales and men 45+ so I figured I would be out front. I started at the front and after the start I had 2 guys in front of me, I passed one of the age groupers and got passed by only one person who happened to also be a clydesdale so I knew where I was sitting going into transition. The run was short and fast which is awkward for me, I didn't know how fast to go out, I probably could have gone faster than the 7:13 I posted but I didn't want to burn my legs out for the ride. Coming back into transition Deanna and the boys were camped out right before the entrance and swerved over to slap high fives and nearly missed the entrance, oh well it was worth it!

Transition #1 went off without a hitch slipped off my shoes threw on my bike shoes and helmet and was off.

The bike started off pretty good, legs felt shot already from the run but recovered once I got going. I could see the guy who had passed me so I worked on slowly catching up to him. The course went out of the park and then 3 loops around the park before coming back into the park again. No major hills but definitely a rolling course, it was hard to get into a good groove and after the first 2 loops my legs were feeling the 12 miles I ran the day before. The upside to the 3 loop course was there was always people on the course and you were never riding alone. The down side was if someone passed you, you had no idea what loop they were on and this end up coming back to bite me later as I learned. The other negative about the bike was I got steamrolled by 3 or 4 guys just cruising right along in a draft line, at that point it was a flat section and I was doing 25-26 mph and they passed be like I was standing still. This really irritated me as drafting is illegal, the course was supposedly patrolled by a referee and I don't know if they got busted with a time penalty or not but these guys were obviously veterans at triathlons evidenced by their bike and gear and they should have known better.

Transition #2 as I came into transition Deanna and the boys were set up right next to my bike rack and cheering me on. It was so awesome having them there and cheering.

Run #2
This run was primarily on trails and grass which was great, although I wished I had known that prior and I would have worn a different pair of shoes. My Kinvara's are great to run in but on wet grass I slip and it started sprinkling just as I entered transition to drop off my bike. Shortly after the run started the returning runners turn right in front of the outgoing runners to head to the finish line and I did not hear the race volunteer warning me to stay to the left and I ran smack into a guy running in. Trust me he took the worst of it as I probably out weighed him by 50+ pounds, but neither of us left are feet, I apologized and he just ran on to finish, I really hope I didn't cost him valuable seconds in a close finish. The rest of the run was uneventful and went by without any other incidents, I passed a couple of people and the Clydesdale I passed on the bike was no where to be seen so I thought I had my division wrapped up as I crossed the finish line with Casey and Caden standing right there cheering me on, which was AWESOME! I finished in 1:07:50

When I checked the standings later on I was listed as first in the Clydesdale division, but during the awards ceremony I was announced as second, I was confused and wanted to ask why but I wasn't super concerned so decided not to bring it up. Besides the rain was making a return and they were hustling to get everything torn down. On the ride home I decided to email the race director for clarification and he emailed me back later to explain the guy who took first signed up that morning so he wasn't in the system for the results and had to be manually entered. I was happy with that answer, it really doesn't matter if I finish first or second or last I just love the competition.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Tuesday run, bike and maybe a swim

Woke up this morning ready to tackle a tempo run and then either hop on the trainer or head to the Y for a easy swim, wasn't sure what I wanted to do so I figured I would just decided after the run.

I have found recently that it is easier for me to get up at 4:30 to get ready to work out by setting my alarm for 4 instead of 4:15, makes some sense seeing as how I have a habit of hitting the snooze button, so this way I still get to hit the snooze 3 times and get up on time.

I was out the door and ready to go at 4:55, I ran the first mile plus as a warm up with Lucky, he doesn't do so well on speed days even on a nice cool morning like today, but he still got 1.4 miles in before I dropped him off and changed shoes (yes I put the wrong shoes on this morning in my sleepy haze).

The run went pretty well I was hitting my mile splits just about where I wanted to be and half way through I realized how easy the pace felt. Running when it feels as effortless as it did this morning is such an amazing thing. I'm no speed demon for sure but when I am able to throw down 8:20, 8:00, 7:50 miles and not feel like I'm putting out much effort I know running well. It felt really good to have such a great run, I have been neglecting my running lately and with a marathon coming up I really need to start stretching my mid week tempo runs and speed days out as well as my mid distance easy runs. This time last year I was doing tempo runs of 8 miles total and easy runs of 8-10 miles mid week so I am a little behind schedule. Fitness wise I'm probably ahead of the curve with all the cross training, swimming and biking I've been doing so I'm not going to worry to much about it. Just need to pick things up over the next couple of weeks and get in some good long runs which shouldn't be a problem considering how many people I know that are training for the same race.

After my run I decided to hop on the bike trainer, I actually swapped my new tri bike for the road bike on the trainer, I found last night that the road bike is slightly more comfortable to ride on the trainer so I will most likely for now just keep it on there and ride my tri bike when I get outside, which I plan on doing tomorrow afternoon. I am taking the day off since it is my birthday, my plan is to do 35 miles for my 35 birthday, plus this will serve as my long ride for the week since I'm doing the Hickory Grove Triathlon on Sunday.

Thanks again for reading and until next time...

Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Getting back in the groove and my new bike

This week I have really felt like I'm back in the groove of training. I'm getting in good quality workouts and I have found myself wanting and craving to do more, even though I am resisting the temptations, don't want to burn out. I was talking with my friend Jay the other day and he made the statement that he prefers the training more so than the actual races and I'll admit I'm inclined to agree with him. Don't get me wrong I love to race, it feeds my competitive desire, and I love competing in triathlons even more so than straight running events, but the real pay off is in the 5 am training sessions. I love the training, the dedication, the focus on a goal, and the structure of a training plan. Everyday after a workout, whether good or bad I know I've accomplished something. The worst workout I've ever had was still better than sitting on the couch.

So speaking of loving to workout I am really looking forward to my first ride on my new (to me) triathlon bike. I'm going to be completely honest and say this bike is way to nice for me but I got an incredible deal that I frankly couldn't pass up. My original plan was to wait till February when I got my tax return and by a new bike but I was able to pick up a used Trek Equinox 9 (carbon frame) outfitted with Sram Red components (top of the line) for much less than a entry level aluminium tri bike with the basic components. I am very excited, my biggest concern buying a tri bike was spending that kind of cash on a bike I would want to upgrade after maybe only a year or 2 of racing, but with this bike there is not much to upgrade too so I will hopefully get many years of riding before I feel the need to upgrade. I am just waiting for a new cassette for the rear wheel, which I had to buy separately, to come in the mail so I can take my new toy for a spin. It will be the equivalent of racing a Ferrari powered by a Ford engine (a F-250 Diesel) with me on it but I will certainly be faster than on my road bike. Also having that bike has been extra motivation to work out, been a couple of days I wanted to sleep in this week, but I thought I gotta justify owning that bike by getting my butt up and workout. I'll post a pic once I have it all assembled.

Thanks for reading and until next time...

Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.