
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Paleo Diet Day#2

So yesterday was day #2 and I will have to say it was a little harder than day one. First off I didn't pack enough calories and secondly I didn't pack the right types of food, I was left to fend for calories at a truck stop on my way back from Des Moines. Luckily I stopped at the right place and they had bananas so a couple of those and a package of almonds (which I had to restrain myself to only eat a 1/3 of the bag) saved the day.

I did get a short bike workout in last night after dinner, my entire body is still sore from the Spartan Race on Saturday so riding my bike trainer for 30 minutes and some jump ropes to warm up and cool down was all I could muster. This is actually the perfect time to introduce this diet, my activity level this week will be considerably reduced as I recover from the race. Next week I will get back into more of my normal routine, working out 5-6 days a week with a couple of doubles mixed in. Going to keep the volume down for now and allow my body to adjust to functioning on different diet.

Big goals for next week are to:
1) Get back into my normal sleep pattern; I have been really bad about going to bed on time since the fall TV schedule started back up.
2) Start weight training again.
3) Getting my morning workout in and stop sleeping in everyday (really dependant on #1).

I weighed myself in yesterday morning @ 215.2 which is outstanding considering I pigged out this weekend before and after the race. I pretty much ate everything I knew I was giving up knowing it would be awhile before I had certain foods again. I am down 2.8 pounds from a few weeks ago when I topped out at 218 after the QC Marathon which is the heaviest I have been in over a year. I was pretty disappointed in that when I saw it at first but then I realized I have gained a significant amount of muscle over the last year with training for triathlons and rededication to weight training.

I didn't state this before but my motivation for doing the paleo diet is not centered around losing weight, but more importantly about getting leaner and ultimately living a healthier life. So many of the diseases that are running rampant in our society today can be traced back to our diets, specifically on processed foods that God never intended for the human body to consume. I believe in this diet because it is focused around eating lean meats, vegetables, fruit and nuts and eliminating foods that don't naturally exist on their own. Most diets when you hear what you have to eat or what you can't eat you question whether it really will work or if it's a scam to buy their products but it would be pretty difficult for anyone to argue that eating a diet consisting of lean meats, and fruits and vegetables is bad for you, heck isn't that what doctors have been telling us for years? In my mind it makes sense and I'm really passionate about it.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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