
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Paleo Update

So my Paleo Lifestyle has been typical of real life, and following the path of a roller coaster. I had revised my plan and was shooting for closer to 75/25 lately and I would say I'm somewhere close to that, some days it's 50/50 sometimes like yesterday nothing resembling a Paleo lifestyle at all.

I did find an awesome recipe for a Paleo Hungry Man sweet potato breakfast casserole which I have made twice now once with out the bacon and once with, trust me the bacon version is better. This has really helped with breakfast since I typically don't eat breakfast until around 9:30 or 10:00 when I'm already at work. The recipe makes roughly 6 servings for me, but could easily be more with smaller portion sizes. It also aids in mixing up the variety so I'm not eating the same thing for breakfast as I am for lunch. I figure if I can get my first 3 meals of the day (post work out, breakfast, lunch) in line then dinner can be whatever. A lot of times it will be pizza or pasta with the family but we do turkey burgers, grilled chicken and other things that can be an easy Paleo conversion for me so I'm not making a completely different meal than the family.

As I continue to move forward on my journey through life I'm always looking for balance and this is just one more thing that I need to find that sweet spot of what works best for me, it will be an ever evolving thing I'm sure.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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