
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Training Week #9 - Tuesday Night Run

Last nights run was a tough one for me, I felt like I hit the wall early and then kept making U Turns to hit it again and again. I got to my hotel late and seriously considered pushing this run to this morning (it worked out so well for me last week) but I ended up doing it regardless. Running at night is still a struggle for me that biking is not. I think the biggest issue is running at night I usually try to do before I eat dinner, so I'm starting out on an empty tank where as when I bike I do it after the kids go to bed so I've had dinner already. I know I can't run and then head to bed shortly there after, I've tried that in the past and I'm too jazzed up after a run to properly settle into a sleep routine, unlike biking where I can fall asleep withing minutes of hopping out of the saddle. Next week I'll have to try and consume some more calories later in the afternoon and see how that works for me.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Training Week #9 - Tuesday Long Swim

Woke up feeling tired after my day yesterday, I rode 25 miles on my trainer last night before bed. Headed out to the Y for my weekly long swim, the schedule called for 2000 yds, but I knew going into it that I was going to push for 2250 with some extra laps on my warm up working on form. This is the workout I ended up doing.

Warm Up - 500 yards
200 Swim
200 Kick
100 Pull

Main Set - 1500 yards
500 Swim
400 Pull
300 Kick
200 Swim
100 Pull

Cool Down - 250 yards
150 Kick
100 Swim Easy

I started out slow but once I got threw the warm up I was ready to tackle the 500 yard swim. This would represent the longest continuous swim I have done to date and I was concerned I wouldn't be able to complete it with out having to stop. I used a trick I've often relied on when running long miles, I counted down the percentage completed as I ticked off the laps, 10%, 20% etc. and just focused on that. I like counting the percentage cause it forces you to forget about the actual distance or what you have left to complete, but keeps you focused on the positive of what you have already done. Another thing that was on the forefront of my mind was a recent blog post from Jeff Paul talking about fighting for one more round and pushing through those mental and physical hurdles you go through during training. Having just read this yesterday it really helped me mentally tackle this workout today and push to my highest swim total to date.

On deck for tonight a nice easy run and then a rest day tomorrow, thanks for reading...

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Training Week #9 - Monday Morning

I ended up skipping my bike ride yesterday, I was up way to late watching UFC fights over at a buddy's house on Saturday and did not feel like getting out of bed at 5 am, I elected for 2 more hours of sleep and figured I would try and get in the ride later that afternoon, I didn't and frankly I don't care. My cousin and his kids were in town so me and the boys met them over at their hotel to swim which was fun, my boys love to swim and the opportunities for swimming in the winter are few and far between.

Woke up bright and early for my workout this morning feeling fresh and ready to go, which is rare for a Monday, but resting yesterday really helped that out. I got dressed and headed out the door for a quick run with the dog before heading to the Y for a swim. My GPS would not pick up a satellite, which normally frustrates me since I am such a stickler for the details but I was running the exact same route as last Monday so I knew it would be 3.25 spot on so just headed out after waiting a couple minutes. The run was okay, legs felt tired which was odd since I didn't ride yesterday and had a pretty easy week. My left knee did flare up, just a bit about half way through, I've noticed I always seem to have a flare up if I recently run on the treadmill which I did on Saturday. I know I change my form when I run on the TM so I'm guessing there might be a correlation there.

After I finished up the run I grabbed my swim bag and headed to the pool. 6am is the perfect time to get to the pool at the Y, it is dead. I made the decision last week to switch up my run and swim this week and I'm glad I did. I didn't have to share a lane and was able to really get in a groove swimming. My goal today was 1500 yds, but was able to knock out 1800 by adding in a drill set after my warm up and before my main set of 8x100's. Swimming 100 repeats is one of those workouts that can be described as love/hate. I love doing them because they go by quickly but I hate them because they are brutally tough and by the last one, I'm gasping for air. Finished up with a cool down set of kicks and swim. I am really starting to feel a difference in the water, especially now that I'm working on some form drills. was considerably faster during my 100's today then I have been in the past.

Thinking about finding a triathlon to enter sooner than the QC Tri, would like to maybe get 1 or 2 in before then, if anyone has any suggestions on good sprint distance or even Olympic distance close (within a couple hour drive) to the QC Area let me know. Also thinking I might go ahead and sign up for a 70.3, if I don't sign up I will chicken out or find some excuse as to why I can't. Some friends were aiming for Branson in September but that is the same day as the QC Marathon and I want to run that, know some people doing Racine in July and that may be a possibility still 4.5 months away so should give me plenty of time to train.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 8 - Running and falling in love all over again

I ended up skipping my evening run on Tuesday night, I had had a long and stressful day at work, I was exausted from pushing it too hard the previous day and my swim that morning so I used all of that as justification to skip my run, and in a way I'm really glad I did.

After work yesterday I really wanted to go for a run, I had considered making up my run that morning but thought I should just let it go and I did, but after work I just wanted to run, so I did, and it was great. For the first time in awhile running felt, free, easy and natural again. I wasn't laboring thtough the miles, in fact they seem to come almost effortlessly. Even though I wasn't concerened about pace I couldn't help but notice I was moving at a pretty decent clip (for me). It felt great and it really reminded me of why I love to run and fell in love with running in the first place almost 3 years ago.

Weather called for rain and snow this morning so I woke up thinking I might get stuck on the treadmill but much to my suprise it was dry and realitively nice out this morning. I was concerned that my legs weren't going to be up for another run after having run last night so I figured I just do 6 easy miles instead of a tempo effort. Once I got started and made my way through the first mile I realized I felt much better than expected and I went ahead and pushed the pace for the next 5 miles.

Running, when it feels almost effortless, is one of the greatest things you can do. There is something about moving from point A to point B under your own locomotion and power. It's hard work, but it's gratifying and that is what makes it so appealing and somewhat addictive.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 7 - Friday

Today's workout - Swim 1500 yd and 10 mile bike

It's been awhile since I made a post, got out of the habit with crazy traveling last week and some personal things have come up recently, but I'm back at it again.

Did a nice bike workout last night after the boys went to bed 16.8 miles in 50 mins, was able to really crank it out in a higher gear, legs felt really good after the morning run. Woke up this morning feeling it though, and my swim was kind of a struggle. Shoulders were tired and sore from weight lifting yesterday and legs were feeling the effects of last nights hard ride. I was able to complete my desired distance but had to break it up a bit and take a little longer breaks than I normally would. Pool was crowded again today but was able to squeeze in to the slow lane and splash out my laps.

After my swim I headed home for a quick bike workout, nothing special, legs were dead to start but after my warm up I got into a nice groove. I thought I might be able to get 45 mins in but once I started getting close to the half hour mark I knew I was done so I decided to finish up at 10 miles even which put me right at 32 mins.

Looking forward to my long run tomorrow, its funny how I dread my 4-6 mile runs sometimes and look forward to a 9-10 miler, I guess I just prefer to go long and slow versus short and fast, probably why I ran a half marathon and a marathon before ever running a 5k race.

Until next today what others won't so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 6 - Tuesday Run

Today's workout - 6 mile trail run

Found an awesome network of trails around the resort that we are staying at for my conference this week. I got a little lost navigating them in the dark this morning, but I managed to find my way back, really looking forward to running them again either tomorrow or Thursday or both. My knee held up just fine today, largely in part to running on soft ground, dirt trails and crushed gravel as opposed to pounding pavement so I might be able to put extra miles in this week.

I absolutely love running trails. I don't even care that I move so much slower than running roads. Trail running is so much different of an experience than running the streets around my neighborhood. It's difficult to explain how and why the difference without sounding like a tree hugging hippie but it is something about connecting with nature and disconnecting with the world that makes more of an introverted experience. It's usually quieter and calmer which allows you to get more in tune with your body as you run but you can't zone out running trails like road running otherwise you'll face plant tripping over a rock or root and get really in touch with how your body is feeling...pain...haha!

Now its off to breakfast, then 9 hours of meetings and vendor presentations...ya!

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 5 - Friday

Today's workout - AM - 1000 yd swim @ Y then 22 miles on my bike trainer.
The pool was super packed today and it was a struggle to just get in the water somewhere. I didn't do any kind of structured workout today just swam laps and tried to avoid running into anyone. It was actually refreshing to not have to worry about time, sets etc... Sometimes I get so caught up in training and hitting certain goals or distances that I forget to have fun and just enjoy what I'm doing. I'm not training because I'm going to be a professional someday, heck even an age grouper I'm training because I love the challenge and I love being in shape. I think I forgot that for a little while and it really hit me the last 2 days, I have been down in the dumps and I have no idea why but it may have to do with I'm traveling next week and won't get to workout the way I want to. I'll be lucky to get in a single workout let alone multiple so I know it's going to be a struggle mentally. I will definitely be able to run, but with my knee I can only do so much of that anymore. I'll do the best I can and just try and relax a bit and get back after it the following week.

Tomorrow is my long run, then a short swim...Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Training Month in Review

January has come and gone and I have survived my first month of triathlon training with one minor injury and nearly getting hit by car not once but twice. Yeah almost forgot last night that I nearly got taken out by a turning car that forgot to check the cross walk for pedestrians. This time I saw it coming although the driver wasn't using their turn signal I could just tell by the way they were looking to their left and inching out that they were going to turn. As I entered the cross walk they rolled even further out nearly pushing me with their bumper out into traffic, I put my hand on the hood preparing to hurdle if I had to and yelled out "WHOA" which I think got their attention. I was pretty proud of myself for not cursing at them or slamming my fist in their hood, think I may be getting a little to used to almost getting hit my cars.

Anyway for the month of January I ran a total of 55 miles which is pretty low for me, but considering the fact that I have had some knee issues and I'm squeezing in 3 disciplines now it is a start. During marathon training I routinely hit 40 mile weeks and I'm sure I'll get back up there as they training and my body adapts to the workload, I haven't run further than 7 miles at a time and only 3 days a week as opposed to 5-6 so it is to be expected. I did bike 250 miles which I discount only slightly because they were all indoor and I'm much faster on my trainer than I would be outside, but when you add in the boredom factor of riding in my basement it almost balances out. Swimming I totaled 21,800 yards which I'm pretty proud of. I feel like this is where I have spent the majority of my efforts this month and I know that total isn't a lot comparatively to others, considering my lack of any base in swimming I'm very happy. My future swimming totals will continue to grow, and probably at a much faster rate as my competency grows in this particular discipline.

I'm feeling pretty good with one month down, I'm adapting well and staying healthy. Taking one full day of rest is working very well and I plan to continue that pattern going forward. My weight is steadily going down as well even though I'm really not trying to lose weight by calorie restricting myself, in fact I feel like I'm eating all the time which works out nice for me since I love food. If I can continue to train at this level, eat like I want/need and still lose weight and lean out, well then I will be really happy. I'm sure I'll plateau again like always, luckily I still have lots of things in my diet I could change if that happens to help jump start weight lose again. I'm only about 15-20 lbs off of my "ideal" weight right now and if I can get there over the next 2-4 months I'll be happy.

Looking forward to more and more training, especially with nice(r) weather just around the corner, can't wait to be running trails, and biking outside again soon.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.