
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 4 - Sunday Long Ride

Watched nearly 5 hours of UFC fights in less than a 2 hour ride, I think there is too much talking and not enough fighting in these Fox/FX broadcasts.

The workout:
20 minute warm up then 5x10 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy with an easy spin for the cool down.

Had a good time last night at a friends surprise birthday, feeling it today though, glad I was able to get my workout done earlier so I could just enjoy a nice day bumming around the house with the family.

Until next time ... Do today what other's won't, so tomorrow you can do what other's can't.


  1. You mean you were on the trainer that long? Wow, I need to be able to do that. I have a hard time being on trainers and treadmills for long periods of time. It would benefit me if I could though.

    1. Ha-ha, yes when you live in the Midwest long winter trainer rides are the only option.
