
Monday, January 30, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 5 - Monday

Today's workout(s) - AM 1300yd swim followed by 45 mins of cardio, PM - 20 mi bike trainer

WOW! Starting my 5th week already, it seems like I just got started with this training. It's really amazing how much has changed in just over 4 weeks. So far I've lost about 8 lbs of the holiday weight I put on, I've gone from barely being able to swim 1 length of the pool to doing 500 yd non stop and I'm routinely getting in nightly bike rides after the boys go to bed. Honestly that last one is the most amazing, training at night is rough, especially when everyone else is already in bed asleep add on to that getting up at 4:30 am and by the time 9pm rolls around it can be very difficult to get on the bike instead of the couch. If I was asked I would say that discipline to work out at night is what I am most proud of so far, balancing my training with my family time and not sacrificing either is very important and I'm glad that so far it is going well, but I'll keep my fingers crossed just in case.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.


  1. Great improvement with your swimming. Are you training for a particular race?

    1. Thank you. Yes I am signed up for a local sprint tri in June already, but I have another one before that I may jump into if the schedule/timing works out. But the biggie is the Ironman 70.3 Branson on Sept 23, haven't signed up yet but that is the plan.

  2. Amazing progress for 4 weeks!
