
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 1 Day 2 - Swim...again

Today's workout 1500 yd swim in 55 min

Back in the pool again today.

Shoulders felt sore this morning which is probably a combination of swimming and lifting weights, nothing terrible not the painful kind of sore but the I did some work yesterday kind. I kind of missed driving to the gym for a workout, that 5-10 minute drive really sets the tone for me, helps me wake up a little and get in the right frame of mind for the work that needs to be done.

My plan this morning was to just repeat yesterday, swim 20 laps working on coordinating my breathing, stroke and kick then do 30-45 min of lower body lifts like squats, leg press, hamstring curl etc. The swim went great, I felt much more comfortable in the water today and I was doing much better on my breathing at the beginning. Towards the end of the workout when I started to fatigue I could tell my form was going to hell and I missed some breaths and actually sucked in water a couple of times. After my 20 laps I decided to ditch the leg workout and spend the extra time in the pool and ended up swimming a total of 30 laps for 1500 yd in approximately 55 min. Overall I felt like this was a much better workout, I was able to swim 2 lengths of the pool with out a break a number of times, just got to keep progressing till I can knock out multiple laps with out a break. It will come, eventually.

Until next time...

Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

1 comment:

  1. Reading your training makes me tired! you're a rock star. Keep up the good work! Oh yeah - is your family's 4th of July weekend free?
