
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 1 Day 4 - Tempo Run

Today's workout 4 mile tempo run in 35:58 (8:58/pace)

I felt like crap last night after work, I think I'm starting to get a head cold, this workout was in doubt when I went to sleep last night. Luckily when I woke up I felt better, I still considered skipping and going back to bed for another hour but after a quick check of the weather and realizing it was 32* outside with no wind (my ideal running conditions are 32-45*) I couldn't justify skipping yet another workout this week, so I got dressed, downed a Power Gel and headed out.

Starting out the plan was to do 6 miles, but within the first mile I realized that was not going to happen. My left knee starting bothering me right away and by 1.5 miles I had to stop and walk it out a bit. Once I got going again I knew I was going to have to cut the run short. The final 2 miles where a bit of a mental struggle for me, not because of the pain in my knee but because my head started to fill with thoughts of injury and what am I going to do if I can't run for awhile. How will this affect my goals for this year, I'm only 4 days into my training and I'm facing what could be a big set back already. My mind has a way of getting away from me when I run and usually that is a good thing, I get lost in thought and the miles seem to just tick on by, but when I'm lost in thought on a potential injury and/or set back I'm all to painfully aware of every aching step.

By the time I returned to the hotel, the pain had subsided a little and I made sure to stretch out my legs thoroughly (I don't typically stretch very much). I drew a cold water bath to soak my legs (I would have had an ice bath but every ice machine in the hotel was broke, hmm odd) and hopefully reduce some of the obvious swelling in my knee. While sitting in the tub I had the opportunity to reflect more on my situation and try and see the upside, if in fact I do need to take some time off from running that just means I can spend more time swimming and perfecting that aspect of my training.

I'm going to try and get to my Chiropractor tomorrow and have him take a look at my knee, I'm hoping that I'm just out of alignment and there is nothing structurally wrong. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but regardless of what's wrong I'm going to stay positive and continue to work diligently at whatever I'm able and capable of doing.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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