
Friday, January 13, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 2 - Friday Morning Swim

Today's workout 1250 yd in 45 minutes with total body weight circuit workout plus core.

Rode my bike while watching TV last night and then off to bed for another early day of swimming. I am actually starting to get into a nice rhythm with my training after a goofy first week. I can already tell I'm recovering faster from each workout, which is great, I was afraid that the increased volume would cause me to fall ill, which has been an issue in the past during marathon training, but I think the variety and the split workouts are making that an easier transition than expected. Any way today's workout called for

Warm-up of 300 yd

8 x 100's with 15 sec rest

Cool down - 200yd Easy Swim

I ended up breaking the 100's into 2 sets of 4 with a minute break between, still working on my swimming endurance but it is getting noticeably better. I thought the 100's would kill be seeing as how 100 yd is the longest I've swam continually to date. The fourth 100 of each set was tough but I was able to make it through without drowning...YEAH!!! During my cool down I tried working on breathing off my left side, so far I have only been able to breathing turning my head to the right. I will need to be able to breathe from both sides especially in open water depending on wave conditions, or so I've read. I have more limited range of motion turning my head to the left, probably due to neck injuries, so I always turn right, but I need to work on it. Right now I can barely get my head out of the water when I turn which does make drawing a breath quite difficult, but that is why I am working on it during my cool down when I can go slow and really focus on that and not my swim stroke or kicks. Just one more thing I need to work on in the water.

It was funny today seeing a couple of self-proclaimed body builders in the pool trying out swimming for the first time, I chatted briefly with them, not sure if they are getting into triathlons or just doing it for the cardio. Watching them swim I had to wonder if I looked as bad churning through the water as they did. You could tell that both of them had limited shoulder range of motion which is typical when you have a heavily muscled upper body and your not used to a swimming motion. That is something that I am really aware of when going through the water, trying to extend my arms as far out in front of me and getting a good stretch into the water. After the meat heads left the lifeguard came over to another swimmer in the lane next to me and was chatting about them, one of them had made a funny comment that I didn't catch to the lifeguard. I had just finished my last 100 and I was hanging on the deck talking with them briefly before my cool down, a comment was made about another guy who was big into lifting that had taken up triathlons and turned himself into a pretty good swimmer and I jokingly said "so there is hope for me" the swimmer told me that I actually have pretty decent form, which was awesome to hear. Its one thing to think you are making progress but another to hear it from someone who actually knows what they are talking about, maybe I'm not doing so bad after all and there is hope for my swimming. I feel like I'm making progress and I'm having fun and that is what matters most.

Tomorrow I've pretty much decided to ditch my long run in favor of another day in the pool, knee is feeling good, just don't want to push it too soon. Maybe after my swim I'll run on the treadmill for a couple miles, just to see how it feels.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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