
Monday, March 05, 2012

Training Week # 10 - Monday morning run and swim

Woke up this morning at 4:10, 5 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off, not sure I feel about this. On the one hand I'm glad I'm becoming so accustomed to waking so early that I'm getting up before my alarm, but on the other hand I feel robbed of a little bit of sleep, even if it was only 5 minutes.

Seeing as how I woke up so early (I usually hit the snooze a couple of times) I took my time getting ready for my run and really allowed myself to wake up, and it showed in my run. I started out fast, faster than I normally want to but quickly settled into a nice rhythm. It was a great morning to run, cool and crisp with hardly any wind. The streets and sidewalks were a little slick in some spots from the snow yesterday afternoon/evening which made for some interesting moments, I almost bit it once turning a corner, did not see the patch of ice. All in all another good run, and no knee pain which is hopefully all in the rear view mirror.

After finishing up my run I headed out to the Y for my swim workout, I was not looking forward to this workout. My arms, chest and back were still sore and tight from lifting weights on Saturday and I was dreading having to do 50 yd repeats. I went through my warm ups and kind of loosened up a bit and got started on my main set of repeats. The first 8 went by with some struggles, I ended up taking a minute break half way through to catch my breath and let my heart rate drop. After that I was able to pick it up a bit, plus its always easier when you know the majority of the workout is behind you are almost done. I finished up strong, did my cool down and ended the workout feeling good about what I had accomplished. I could have very easily skipped this swim or cut it back but I stuck with the plan and made my way through which is always reassuring.

Thanks everyone for reading and don't forget to check out my Revolution Race Team Page and consider making a charitable donation.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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