
Friday, March 30, 2012

Dealing with changes when plans don't go according to plan

This week has been a mixed bag of missed workouts and running breakthroughs. I've missed 2 of my 3 swim workouts because of exhaustion and/or horrible sleep, thank you thunderstorms last night for making my neurotic dog go crazy all night. I was up at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep until almost 4. Alarm was set to go off at 4:30 and i was exhausted, needless to say I didn't make it to the pool this morning. Couple that with the fact that I skipped my bike workout last night cause I was just too wiped out, and i could be really down about my training right now. But I'm choosing to look on the bright side of things, this week I've really made some breakthroughs with my running. First I was able to get in 2 evening runs with little to no complications like dizziness or feeling faint like I normally do when i try to run at night. In fact I had one of my best tempo runs on Wednesday night, which started off as an easy 3 miler.

I realize that in training much as in life things are not always going to go as planned, and my outlook on these unexpected changes is what's really important. I could choose to dwell on the poor efforts or missed workouts, or I could celebrate the small victories and use those as motivation to get back on track.

Stuff happens, I just have to deal with it. And the fact that i have been able to roll with it this week instead of relentlessly obsessing about it and driving myself and others crazy with my antics shows me a new level of maturity, and that I can take pride in.

Going to try and hit it hard this weekend with a long run on deck for tomorrow, until next time...

Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

1 comment:

  1. One of my dogs go nuts during thunderstorms too and I am usually wasted in the morning. So I can relate. Yeah, stuff happens!
