
Friday, March 09, 2012

Training Week #10 - Friday Swim and Sickness

Wow what a difference a couple of days makes; at the beginning of this week I was feeling great and my training was hitting on all cylinders and today an easy swim workout kicked my butt.

Tuesday afternoon a sneaky, and nasty little cold crept up on me and knocked my flat for the past 2 days. Normally when I get hit with a cold I can usually power through it and keep on training. I subscribe to the philosophy that if I make my body as inhospitable a host as I can then no germ or sickness will want to tag along. Usually this works for minor illness but not this one, I have not wanted to do anything but lie in bed or on my couch and veg-out in front of the TV for the past 2 days. I slept most of the day on Wednesday and was hoping that I could get back after it yesterday, but when I woke up at 5 am I knew that wasn't happening and went back to bed. My youngest son stayed home with me yesterday and we spent the day watching a mixed bag on TV shows, like Thundercats, Gator Boys, and Finding Bigfoot. My one observation from watching Finding Bigfoot is that when they are out in the woods making their Sasquatch calls they almost always hear one call back, but oddly enough can never seem to find one. I find myself for some reason feeling kind of sorry for the people on this show, they don't seem delusional but they definitely aren't completely in touch with reality. Far be it for me to discount the existence of Bigfoot but when one of your leading researchers is a guy named Bobo (which always makes me think of Bozo the clown) its kind of hard to take anything serious from the show.

Anyway, today kicked my butt, but it was good to get back after it. I have become so accustomed to living in a state of exercise induced exaustion that not working out for 2 straight days left me feeling anxious and excitable. I probably should have taken today off too but I needed to do something. Friday's normal plan was for me to get an hour on the bike than head off for an easy swim. When I woke up I knew that would be overly ambitious so I bagged the bike workout slept in a little longer and then made my way to the pool. My workout called for 1500 yd swim but after doing my warm up I knew that wasn't going to happen. I end up doing what I could and called it after 1250 yds and I felt okay about that. It's hard for me to skip workouts or cut them short and not feel guilty about it, it's something I'm working on and I still need some help letting missed workouts go. Like the 3 missed workouts from the last 2 days, I've been trying to figure out where I could squeeze in extra mileage or an extra workout this weekend, but after this morning I know I'm not going to accomplish anything positive by pushing to hard to quickly and certainly not going to do any good over taxing my body trying to put extra workouts in when I'm still recovering from my illness. I just have to remember to tell myself to "Let it go Joe!" and move on to the next day and forget about what has been missed. I know the best prescription is rest and get back after it next week.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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