
Friday, February 03, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 5 - Friday

Today's workout - AM - 1000 yd swim @ Y then 22 miles on my bike trainer.
The pool was super packed today and it was a struggle to just get in the water somewhere. I didn't do any kind of structured workout today just swam laps and tried to avoid running into anyone. It was actually refreshing to not have to worry about time, sets etc... Sometimes I get so caught up in training and hitting certain goals or distances that I forget to have fun and just enjoy what I'm doing. I'm not training because I'm going to be a professional someday, heck even an age grouper I'm training because I love the challenge and I love being in shape. I think I forgot that for a little while and it really hit me the last 2 days, I have been down in the dumps and I have no idea why but it may have to do with I'm traveling next week and won't get to workout the way I want to. I'll be lucky to get in a single workout let alone multiple so I know it's going to be a struggle mentally. I will definitely be able to run, but with my knee I can only do so much of that anymore. I'll do the best I can and just try and relax a bit and get back after it the following week.

Tomorrow is my long run, then a short swim...Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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