
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday morning ride with Mickey Mouse

Got up early to do my bike ride the plan was for 10 min w/u, 8 x 4/2 intervals (4 min hard/2 min easy), 10 min c/d, increasing 1 minute per hard interval from last week.

Legs were still a little sore from the weekend but felt pretty good after the warm up, after my first interval my oldest son came walking downstairs, he's an early riser like his dad. I got him set up with a pop tart and he sat downstairs and watched ESPN with me. After a few minutes I could tell he was getting bored with football analysis so I asked him if he wanted me to find a cartoon for him and he smiled and said yes please, and luckily Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was on. Honestly I could have cared less what I was watching, it was the fact that we were spending time together, even if it was watching cartoons while I rode my bike trainer.

I've spent considerable time over the last few days hashing out training details and a race schedule for the upcoming year, I have some friends that are succeeding in talking me into doing a half Ironman potentially this next fall. This will require a considerable amount of training and my biggest concern is that it doesn't take away from time with the family so days like this morning will really make this process a lot easier, being able to work in family time with training will be the best of both worlds. Both boys lately have been non stop about wanting to run a marathon (marathon = race in their mind) and we were able to get in a couple runs this weekend together. For me they were a nice active recovery from the earlier running/biking that morning and for them they got to train with Dad which really makes me feel special.

This next year is going to be amazing and hopefully I do it right and it strengthens my family and the bond between me and my boys. Until next time...

Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

1 comment:

  1. Good work. You are right in that we have to be careful to keep in mind family while training. Sometimes it is easy to get so focused on the training and lose focus on what is important. Early mornings have been my saving grace. I am used to being up at 4:30 so by the time my family arises I am usually done which helps quite a bit as I have 3 kids so leaving my wife alone does not always lead to good things. I cannot wait to hear about your 2012 plans. I need to still answer your question from last week.
