
Monday, December 05, 2011

Monday morning run

Today's workout Easy Run/Weight lift - 4.12 miles in 35:43 @ 8:40 pace.

Today was supposed to be an easy run for 3-4 miles and then 30 minutes of circuit training afterwards. Now an easy run for me is usually in the 9:45-10:00 min/mi range, obviously I didn't adhere to that this morning. I started out at what I felt was a comfortable pace, but I felt like I was flying when I looked at my watch after the first mile it read 9:06, which is an incredibly fast first mile for me, even during a tempo workout. I didn't feel like I was pushing the pace so I didn't try and reign it any, I just went with it. It was a very cool morning, 29 with a 10 mph wind out of the north making the wind chill around 20 degrees, and I tend to run faster in chilly temperatures, that is when I do make it outside.

I knocked out my second, third and fourth miles in 8:38, 8:31 and 8:25 and was very pleased when I stopped my watch at 35:43. I love running fast (well fast for me) and when it also feels easy its far more enjoyable. I often wonder what it feels like to be an elite runner and easily knock out miles at 5-6 min/miles, to experience that kind of raw speed and power must be incredible. I wonder if they even truly can enjoy it, or the way someone who's never been fast would. Reminds me of a t-shirt I saw once while running the Bix 7 the back read "In my dreams I'm Kenyan". Yeah, I'd have to agree, in my dreams I'm Kenyan too (or any elite runner for that matter) and I can run like a gazelle, miles upon miles, for hours at a time...then I wake up and I knock out an easy run in 9:06, 8:38, 8:31, 8:25...

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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