
Monday, November 28, 2011

Week in review: Getting Back into Training

Man what a week! Monday started the 8 day sales event for my company that ends today, I opened a new kiosk location at the Wal-Mart in Anamosa, IA, had Thanksgiving, Black Friday and helped get the Christmas decorations up at the house (okay full disclosure here, the wife and kids did all the decorations while I was out for a trail run with friends, I basically put the tree up, hung lights and assisted with hanging of the ornaments). In addition to all that I eased my way (with all the subtlety of charging rhino) back into training. I was able to get in 5 good runs last week including 2 on trails as well as a couple sessions on the bike trainer for about 7 hours total of training last week. I am jumping back into it full steam this week starting tomorrow, after taking a rest day today (although I did lift weights after work), rest days are difficult for me anymore, I always feel like I need to be doing something.

I am super motivated to get back to training again, even though I am going to (try) and keep it somewhat relaxed till the first of the year, the holidays are such a crazy time both at work and with personal obligations I don't want to get frustrated if I miss a workout or worse get burned out. I have had the honor to meet and make some friendships with some pretty awesome people over the last year like Aaron Mauer, Jeff Paul and others through Live Uncommon who have also inspired me to do more and push farther, I have big goals for

1. Make the jump to Triathlon (QC Triathlon and possibly Hy-Vee Triathlon)
2. Run a Spring and Fall Marathon
3. Run a Spring and Fall Ultra - 50k (Hawkeye 50k - March 17th and Wildcat Den 50k)
4. Run a 50 mile race (Haven't found one yet)
5. Do more obstacle races like Warrior Dash, Spartan Race and Tough Mudder and still do all the local 5k, 10k, Bix 7, and half marathon races I can.

I know it is going to be hard to simultaneously train for triathlons, road marathons, obstacle races and trail Ultra's but I'm not doing any of these to win them. I'm doing them because I love being in shape an being an athlete again, because training and racing is fun, and it's my hobby and my therapy. I want to do them because if I'm not training for these things I will do something far less productive with my life like sitting on my @$$ watching TV, playing video games, drinking beer, eating like a slob and killing myself slowly all while setting the wrong example for my boys. I know I've talked about it before but setting the example for my 2 boys is one of the biggest motivating factors for me to keeping pushing myself. Don't get me wrong I love working out and I love training for races and competing and I certainly love how being in shape makes me feel, but setting a good example for my boys to follow, live up to and hopefully surpass is far, far more important to me. My legacy in life will not be how I finished in some race, but how I raised my children and the example that I set for them and since I can't sing worth a damn or paint a magnificent portrait I guess training, racing and living a life of fitness is what I got, God made me a beast of burden and I'm happy with that.

Until next time... today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

1 comment:

  1. Get after it. You have some big goals for 2012. I know you are a determined person so I have no doubt you will achieve whatever you set out to conquer. I look forward to crossing paths again.
