
Monday, November 21, 2011

Nov. 21, 2011

Long day today, got up early to run, colder than expected starting temp was 24 degrees, still made it outside though. I did get to run on some rural, gravel side roads which was nice and peaceful, add in the fact that the wind was minimal and it wasn't a bad run. Scared some cows, well not so much scared them as made them look at me like what the heck is that bi-ped doing running down this road before sunrise. When I ran past the same cows later I'm pretty sure one of them rolled their eyes...haha!

Spent a little over 12 hours getting my new store set up, but its done and ready to go, we even got a couple sales out the door at the end of the day so all in all it was a good day.

I did get a disturbing phone call today about my brother, seems he's gone off the reservation again, nobody has seen or heard from him in about a week, worried about him, keeping him in my prayers, any additional thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.

On the docket for tomorrow . . . tempo run, maybe 7 0r 8 miles, either that or if its too cold a treadmill interval workout with push ups to failure in between . . . I don't know . . . we'll see what the morning brings. I know it was only a week off but man I really missed training . . . until next time... today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.


  1. Stopped by to catch up and the first thing I read is 24 degrees! Holy cow... I am lucky to live in Hawaii. Kidding aside, I ran in Alaska couple years ago and I had a great run. I actually PR'd. It was in June. It was nice to get out of the tropical heat and run in the cool weather. It was in the low 30's. Okay, it wasn't 24, but for an islander it was plenty cold!

  2. Hawaii must be nice, although I much prefer to run in cool temps vs. warm temps. Fall and Spring in the midwest are great running seasons. Winters not so bad as long as it's not cold and windy, actually running in the snow is pretty amazing if your dressed right, there are no "long runs" when it gets below 0 though haha!
