
Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Magic Bullet

I've been asked many times how I've done it, concerning my weight loss, and the simple answer I usually give is eat better and exercise more. Now I know that is not typically the answer people are looking for, most people want to know some secret pill or magic bullet that let me lose weight without dieting and exercise. Well unfortunately that doesn't exist, or at least I haven't found it yet. There is a secret though, and I'm willing to share it with anyone and everyone that will listen. Kind of like the old saying "Find a job you love and you'll never WORK a day in your life" same thing goes for losing weight, find something you are passionate about and it will never seem like exercise.

The main reason I can get up at 5am to run, bike, swim (in the near future) or lift weights is because I'm excited to. I literally can't wait till my next workout sometimes because I enjoy what I do so much. I love how I feel after a hard workout, I love seeing my body change in the mirror over the weeks and months. It's what drives me and motivates me to continue to do more, push my limits further and further. I also read about other peoples stories and journey's as well, I read a lot of books about athletes who do seemingly impossible things and that motivates me to try those things. 3 years ago I never thought I could run the Bix 7, heck at the time I couldn't even run a mile, but I read one of my all time favorite books Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes and I was inspired to get out the door and run, any distance I could cover at the time, it didn't matter I just wanted to run. The seed was planted and all I had to do was keep at it, perpetual forward motion, as I've heard it called.

It also helps that I'm incredibly stubborn and I hate to quit or give up on anything once I've set myself to a goal or task. I've found that having a goal race to train for keeps me motivated. I can't just exercise all the time because I love it, some days I don't want to get out of bed that early, some nights I don't feel like putting in a second workout. When that happens I usually can talk myself into it because I know it will make me better and I know I'll feel better afterwards, but on the rare occasions when I feel burned out or just plain exhausted, I'll take the time off, skip a workout and get the extra rest knowing I will get back after it the next day.

Until next time... today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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