
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Losing too much weight?

I never in my wildest dreams ever thought there could be a possibility that I may being losing too much weight, and for the record I don't believe I have. I'm still a good 15 pounds from my ideal weight, I currently weigh around 205 (depending on the day) and I would like to get down to 190. This is where my cardiologist originally stated he would like to see me at 2 years ago and I laughed at him, I haven't been below 200 lbs consistently since I was 14 years old. And by all accounts 190 is my ideal weight based on various different health metric.

But recently I have had more than one person tell me that I need to stop losing weight, or tell me I look like I'm getting too thin. Granted I have lost a lot of weight, 100 lbs over 2.5 years, but I've done it safely and slowly, I've never lost more than a couple pounds in a week and I am not starving myself in any way shape or form, in fact I still eat a diet that tops out at 3000 calories a day (if not more if I indulge a little which I do from time to time). I do appreciate their concern, they are just looking out for my best interest I'm sure and I'm certain none of these people have anything but good intentions when they say these things to me. But my real issue is where we these people with their good intentions and concern when I was eating myself into an early grave? Why didn't they speak up and speak out while I was gaining weight?

That right there is the underlying problem with America's obesity epidemic; we don't try curtailing someone in the midst of their weight gain. We offer them a super sized portion and tell them something stupid like "It's good to indulge a little" or "You only live once" and "Live a little" (I find the irony of that last statement hilarious). It seems to me we as a society only become concerned with a problem once it has reached an exaggerated point, once someone has become so obese that going on a show like Biggest Loser is their only hope.

I'm trying to live my life in a state of balance, not on one extreme or the other, and that includes everything from diet, exercise, time spent watching TV, sleep and everything in between. I'm 34 years old and I can honestly say I'm in the best shape of my life, I can run for an hour or so in the morning before my kids wake up, go through an entire day of work and family activities and then get another hour long work out in after the kids go to bed. I sleep about 6-7 hours a night because I've found that is what works best for me (anymore and I’m groggy any less and I'm lethargic) and I have enough energy to do it all over again the next day. I can run up to 20 miles on a Saturday morning play with the kids and do chores all afternoon and evening and then knock out a 50 mile bike ride on Sunday morning before church. Yes I may be extreme compared to the normal person, but in my opinion this is the best way for me to live my life. I'm healthy, happy and in a great place in my life. Living the "normal" life is what got me over 300 lbs in the first place, if that is normal than I'll pass on a couple extra hours of TV in favor of a run or a bike ride any day.

I'll get off my soap box now, thanks to any of you that read this blog, I would appreciate any feed back on this and any post.

Until next time... today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.


  1. Joe, You are very inspiring! And wise. I would love to - and I'm sure others would as well - learn how you started on your journey of weight loss and what keeps you going. I'm proud of you! You look great. People will always have opinions about others - it's up to you to decide what you want to do to continue to live your healthy lifestyle. To maintain or lose is your decision. You've always been an amazing guy and I love reading your advice, thoughts, and stories! Are you doing the living history farm race this year?

  2. Thanks Mindy, unfortunately I'm not going to do Living History Farms this year. I'm running my first Ultramarathon (50K aka 30 miles) this Sunday and I'm pretty sure I won't be in any shape to run a race the following weekend, not to mention I have some work obligations that weekend as well. I want to do next year for sure, I love the off road races by far my favorites.

  3. first of all, congrats on your weight loss.

    i have also had people tell me that i am losing too much weight. usually it comes from my friends who have trouble losing weight!
