The bright side was I got to go for an impromptu Turkey Trot on some of my favorite trails. It was a good day for a trail run and I got a good 7+ miles in, even got to see a couple deer including a massive buck run across the trail about 20 yards in front of me. My dog Lucky was completely disinterested in the deer but as usual wanted to chase every squirrel and rabbit he saw, which certainly helped me keep up my pace.
I also was able to try out my new shoes, Saucony Peregrine, I have wanted to purchase these shoes for some time, but couldn't justify yet another shoe purchase when I had a perfectly good pair of trail shoes that had little miles on them and where still in good shape. So to say I was happy when I blew out some stitches and trashed my shoes during The Wildcat Den 50k would be an understatement. Since becoming a dedicated runner I have developed a some what unhealthy obsession with running shoes, I generally have anywhere from 5-8 pairs in my rotation and that could easily be more given certain circumstances like say more disposable income or free samples from manufactures for review.
Saucony Peregrine Shoe Review:
Looks: At first look these shoes are pretty sweet, definitely a cool looking shoe, I went with the black and orange version instead of the black and blue but both color schemes are good looking.
Fit and Feel: These shoes have a good fit, they are roomy enough in the toe box to allow my toes to move and splay out as I run but not so much room that my feet feel like they are moving around inside the shoe, which can cause blistering on long runs. I did notice some looseness in the heel cup and felt like my heel was popping up at times, this may have been due to the fact that I didn't lace up through the last eyelet like normal. I started out with lacing trough all the eyelets but after I tightened the laces I didn't like the feel, I will have to try them laced all the way up on my next run and see if that improves the fit. Overall the fit seems to be fairly similar to my Kinvara's which is to be expected since the Peregrines are built on a similar platform as the Kinvara's. The weight on these shoes is good too just under 10 oz (website has them listed at 9.7 oz for size 9's) which is considerably lighter than my previous shoes and you can really notice a difference on the weight during the run.
Overall I really like these shoes after just one run and really can't wait to put some more miles in them in the near future.

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