
Friday, July 01, 2011

Runners blog #13

Today was one of the first times in a long time that I just didn't want to run, it was a combination of being tired, sore and just not mentally in to it. I forced my self out of bed at 5:45 after hitting the snooze button more times than I should of, got ready and was out the door at 6. My run started off slow and sluggish, my legs felt heavy and tired and my feet were sore. I haven't been feeling good lately, mostly just run down and tired, but last night after work I had a bad headache that just wouldn't go away, not sure if that was the culprit and caused me not to sleep well or not, I intentionally went to bed at 10 so I could get some rest. Either way after a couple of miles I was hitting my target pace even though my legs felt like I was running through mud. By the end of my run I was feeling much better and my legs were loosened up and feeling much better, after cooling down I lifted weights and did some core work, which I have neglected a lot lately and I could tell going through my workout.

On the upside, I weighed in today at 205 lbs which is only 5 pounds away from the century mark for total weight lose, really hoping I can make that goal before our vacation in couple weeks. I would love to be at or around 190 lbs when I run the QC Marathon at the end of September, which seems like a much more realistic goal these days. I think weighing nearly 35 lbs lighter than last year will greatly help me reach my goal of going under 4 hrs in the marathon.

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