This has been such a long journey, over 2 years, since I committed myself to a healthier and more active lifestyle, but this milestone doesn't mark the end of the road but merely the beginning. I have gone through my share of ups and downs over the last 2 years, I'd like to think that I have learned some things about myself during this process. I've learned about sacrifice and commitment, goal setting and doing everything in your power to achieve those goals. I've learned that sometimes failure and setbacks are the greatest teaching tools we encounter in life.
As I've shrunk over the last 2 years I hope I have also grown, and grown up a little as well, one of my main motivations is to be an example to my boys and although they will probably never remember their "Big" Daddy when they get older I'm hopeful that I am setting the example and showing them the way to not only live a healthy lifestyle but to live a "good" life, that making a lot of money and owning a bunch of fancy things doesn't define you but rather being a good person, helping others and taking time each day to try and grow as a person is what is really important. That when you leave this world you don't get to take any of those fancy things with you, but you will leave an impression on the people closest to you, what do you want them to remember about you?
One aspect of my life that I really feel I have neglected is doing volunteer work, this is something that has tugged on my heart strings a lot lately, so as one chapter of my life comes to a close a new one begins, this book is still being written and its up to me to determine the outcome. Live Uncommon is something I'm looking into getting involved with, but I'm really open to anything, the perfect scenario would be something I could do that was also centered around my athletic interests, I know that God will guide me in the right direction and whatever comes next I will attack with the same passion and desire that try to put into everything I do.
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