
Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Treadmill Half Marathon

So yesterday, I had been planning on doing the Ouch! Half Marathon with some friends, but because of another race the following day (Du State Du), and both boys having their first soccer practice later that morning (not to mention a hefty race entrance fee) I decided to forgo the half marathon and due to the early morning thunderstorm I was left with the treadmill. I was scheduled for 16 miles for my marathon training, but I figured I would be lucky to get 10, and I would try to get the rest in later that day. Normally the treadmill is the worst option possible, I love running outside, even in bad weather but thunder and lightning is where I draw the line. I got up early got my water, gels, G2 and mp3 player all set up and got after it, and something surprising happened, I DIDN'T HATE IT! I was actually enjoying my run, the music seemed to help a lot I think, I don't listen to any music when I run anymore, haven't for about 2 years now, it allows me to get more mentally involved with my run and it lets me work through any problems or issues I'm having in my life.

I was going along so well that I got to and passed the 10 mile mark and then learned something interesting about my treadmill, apparently it has an automatic shut off at an hour 40, either that or I just straight overheated the motor and it needed to reset. Either way it started right back up and I was able to finish off the last 2+ miles and decided that 13.1 would be a perfect place to stop, seeing as how I was supposed to run a half anyway. All in all it was a great run, even if it was on the treadmill in my basement.

I will have a full race report on today's DU State Duathlon tomorrow, until then...

...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

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