
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Post Marathon Reflections and Recovery

So I'm a few days removed now from the QC Marathon, and like I've typically done in the past I initially cursed this distance, questioned why I subject myself to this God forsaken sport and vowed to never run another one again. And just like in years past the sentiment has already faded after only a few days and I'm chomping at the bit to get back into training for my next big challenge, a sub 6 hour 50k at Wildcat in November.

Physically I'm not ready to get back to training so I am going to continue to take it easy the remainder of this week. Mentally I'm game but between fatigue and battling a minor cold rest is the best prescription right now. I just haven't had the desire to get up early this week, a continuation of last week, and honestly the extra 2 hours of sleep is the best thing for me any way. I did get on the bike for 30 minutes on Tuesday, and I'm going to shoot for another 30 minutes tonight as well. Maybe tomorrow if I'm up to it I'll hit the pool for an easy swim, otherwise I will take the rest.

So what I learned this time around from the marathon...
  1. I need more long runs (18-20 miles) leading up to the race. This year I did only one 20 miler and it's really the main reason I feel like I broke down both physically and mentally at the end of the race. I had not adequately prepared my body or mind for that much hurting after that much time, something I believe you can only do through long training runs.
  2. I need to practice running on tired legs. I ran only 3 (maybe 4) times a week this year with all the additional triathlon training and although this greatly improved my overall fitness it did not adequately prepare me for miles 21-26 were running on tired legs is what you have to do. Last year I would do an 8-10 miler the day before my long run on the weekend where this year I was either swimming or taking a day of rest.
  3. Training for speed pays off in longer distance as well as shorter. I did much more speed training this year, actually more accurately put I should say I did better quality speed training. I pushed myself much harder during tempo runs and even incorporated some Yasso 800's, which going forward I would like to do on a more consistent basis.
My goal going into the race was to go under 3:45 and even though I did not accomplish this I was in no way upset about my finish. In fact I'm actually glad that I didn't make my goal because it has left me hungrier to go under 3:45, in fact I honestly believe I have the capabilities right now to be in the 3:30's, and I will be targeting a spring marathon to give 3:45 another try. Hopefully I will not be running the QC Marathon next year as I will be running the half with my sister in law. The plan was for me to run with her this year but a pregnancy interrupted that plan so it is on for 2013. I will have a fall marathon on the schedule that will be my target race where I will attempt at breaking into the 3:30's.

It still amazes me the difference between a marathon and all the other race distances, the amount of awe, hatred and respect I have for it. How immediately afterwards I'm hating it so much and questioning why i subject myself to this torture to only a few days later I can't wait to do another one. Maybe it's because unlike a 5k, 10k or even a half marathon you can't just jump right into another one a few weeks later. It takes more time to heal and then prepare properly for the next one. Recovery for a 5k or a 10k takes a day may 2 a half not much longer, I've run a half marathon than gone out the next week and run 20 miles, but I couldn't for the life of me imagine going and running another marathon this coming weekend, let alone making an attempt at a PR. Maybe that is why deep down inside I love this distance the most, because it requires more patience, timing and discipline than shorter distances.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Monday, September 24, 2012

QC Marathon Race Report

So yesterday was the big day, the culmination of a spring and summer of hard work and long miles, of pushing beyond my limits and striving for new heights and I'm happy to say it ended in a nearly 6 minute PR, I finished in 3:48:33 and I am still in awe of how much more difficult going under 3:50 was from going under 3:55. One wouldn't think there would be such a vast difference in just over 5 minutes spread out over 26+ miles, it breaks down to only 13 seconds per mile difference but wow how those 13 seconds add up in the hurt category.

I was extremely fortunate to get to run the majority of the way with 2 friends I have met over the last year through Live Uncommon, John "Obi Run Kenobi" O'Brien and Emily Bucy who certainly helped keep the miles ticking and get me through the rough patches.

John showing off some impromptu cold weather head gear

We started off in the very back, in fact we were still at the Port-A-John's when the cannon fired to signal the start of the race. We eventually crossed the start line timing mat at just about the 5 minute mark, this was actually exactly what we had planned for. We wanted to start off slow and ease our way into 8:30 pace and then make up any lost time on flat easy stretches throughout the course.

The first 4 miles went by pretty easy and we tackled the only real hill of the course. Once we made it down to the boat ramp in Bettendorf I ran up ahead to use the bathroom which is pretty much a ritual now at this point for me. We timed it perfectly and as I headed back on to the course John and Emily were just stopping at the water station and I rejoined them.

We talked casually as we ticked off the miles, the pace and effort seemed very relaxed and easier than I had expected. Somewhere along the bike path in Davenport we picked up another runner, Tom from St. Louis and the 4 of us traded off breaking into groups of 2 running and talking along the course. About this time we started coming up on some fellow LU members who were running the Half Marathon, which runs with the Marathon for the first 7+ miles then breaks off before rejoining back on the Arsenal Island.

When we made our way on to Centennial Bridge I was surprised at how good I still felt, I remember this being the beginning of a low point for me last year and being thankful I was running with someone then. Making our way through the District of Rock Island I was feeling good and strong and very confident that I would make my goal of 3:45. Coming on to the Arsenal we crossed the half way mark at just at 1:52 so we were right on track to make the 3:45 mark.

Running through the Arsenal I noticed a hitch developing in Emily's gait and I asked her how she was feeling, she told me her left knee was bothering her. John dropped back with her and I joined up with our new friend Tom and ran ahead with him. I felt bad for Emily she ended up running the last 7 miles or so solo after John left her to catch back up with me. She was okay and would still finish but she was going to have to back off a bit, she still finished under her goal of 4 hours at 3:59 so it ended up being a good day still for her.

Once we got off the Arsenal and on to the out and back stretch of River Drive, I was starting to feel the accumulated effects of the first 20 miles, I was hurting just yet but I was starting to get some tightness in my hamstrings and my quads were burning. Once we hit the 23 mile mark I had to stop to stretch my hamstrings, I knew then that 3:45 was not going to happen so I just wanted to do what was necessary to get under 3:50. Earlier John had asked me what my fastest 5k was and I told him 20:21 and he told me we would cruise the first 3 miles of and then go for my fastest 5k in the last 3. I knew then that wasn't going to happen and once I stopped to stretch going at 8 minute miles was going to be difficult. Mile 23-24 I just kept moving forward and knew I would have to turn it up on 25 and 26, I stopped to stretch again, and tried to stretch my quads and my hamstring instantly knotted up, so I just kept moving. When I hit the 25 mile marker I picked up my pace a little, I haven't looked back at my splits yet but it will be interesting to see what they were at the end. Once I saw the 26 mile marker I just went as fast as I could and summoned the last bit of my energy and ran as hard as I could to the finish line. John was there waiting for me along with other LU members and I remember doubling over as he congratulated me and saying "That hurt so f***ing bad".

All in all it was an absolute amazing race, I didn't make my top goal of 3:45 but I'm very happy and proud of going under 3:50. I felt better through the first 22 miles than I have in my previous 2 marathons so I know my training was good, I just hit a wall at the end and that happens sometimes, but I still finished strong.

Thanks again to not only John and Emily for running with me but to everyone that I have had the pleasure of running with over the last 9+ months, especially all the amazing Live Uncommon members that I have gotten to know over the year.

I look forward to taking some time off from running, 1 week for sure and then easing back into training for the Wildcat 50k on Nov. 11th.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

10 Personal Running Questions

Got these questions from Beth @ Shut Up and Run

Best run ever?
The first time I ran 10 miles, my first "Glory Run" and the first time I really understood the runners high.

Three words that describe your running?
Diesel Freight Train

Your go-to running outfit?
Black shorts, red shirt.

Quirky habit while running?
Clenching my thumbs in between my fingers.

Morning, midday, evening?
Mornings always. I have run at night, but it's no good.

I won’t run outside when it’s ____________
Thundering and lightning, sub zero yes, hotter than hell - if I have to but I refuse to get struck by lightning while running.

Worst injury—and how you got over it.
Thankfully no major injuries to date, had some knee issues earlier this year stopped running for 2 weeks.

I felt most like a bad ass runner when _________
Leaping over obstacles, running through mud, and hurdling fire in Warrior Dash or Spartan Race.

Next race is __________
Quad City Marathon, 9/23/2012

Potential running goal for 2013?
50 miler, Half Ironman, 3:30 marathon, sub 20 5k

Consider yourself tagged...

Best run ever?

Three words that describe your running?

Your go-to running outfit?

Quirky habit while running?

Morning, midday, evening?

I won’t run outside when it’s ____________

Worst injury—and how you got over it.

I felt most like a badass mother runner when _________  (changed the wording on this since I'm not a mother)

Next race is __________

Potential running goal for 2013?

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.