
Monday, May 24, 2010

Runner's Blog #6

Marathon Training starts tomorrow...

...I'll let that just hang there for a minute...

Yup only 18 weeks till the QC Marathon and I'm determined to run it.

Now I know 18 weeks seems like a really long time but in the reality of a first time marathon runner it certainly doesn't seem long enough. Yes I have already finished a half marathon and will have at least one more completed next month, and yes I'm routinely doing training runs of 10 or more miles. But that's like comparing hitting a home run in a little league park versus doing the same thing say at Wrigley Field. I recently watched the latest contestants of The Biggest Loser run their marathon and I'm pretty sure if they can do it so can I. In fact the guy who won, Darris, is roughly about my size and he finished in just over 4hrs, and he had a bum knee from training to hard. I have a training plan to increase my mileage and endurance and I will be training during the hottest time of the year so I figure if I can make it through that then come race time in late September I should be just fine.

I read somewhere that only 1% of the population will ever run a marathon, I want to be part of that select few. Accomplishing something like that means so much to me, its not something anyone else can give me, or help me through, I'm the only one who can determine the outcome of this endeavor and that is where my glory lies.

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