
Monday, April 04, 2011

Runners blog #12 - Streaking

No, no, no I'm not running sans shorts, well not yet at least, I've got a running streak going that I'm pretty proud of. My current streak is 38 days long for a total of 211 miles and prior to that I had one of 12 days for 58 miles (I have run 50 out of the last 51 days for 269 miles). Conventional wisdom says that you need to take a rest day once a week to let your body recover and rebuild and although I generally believe that theory I'm starting to question it, especially after my long run yesterday (10 miles) which is supposed to be at 60-90 seconds slower than my expected race pace (9:00 min/mi) so I should be running 10:00-10:30 min/mi. I started out right on pace at just ove 10 min/mile but I was feeling pretty good and didn't seem like to much effort, after a couple more miles each getting a little bit faster, I expected to start easying in to a nice comfortable pace, but I did the exact opposite, my mile splits kept dropping, down to 9:30 min/mile. I ended up doing the last 4 miles at or below 9 min/mile pace, which is just mind boggling, considering I was 6 miles in to the run already and not to mention the fact that I had also run the previous 36 days with out a rest day.

Running has become such an intergal part of my life that I just can't seem to bring myself not to do it every day, even if its just a short 2-3 miler like today. It gives me an opportunity to clear my head, set my plan for the day or just disconnect from the world for 30 minutes to an hour. So for now I'm going to keep heading out the door every morning until my body tells me to stop, I figure I'll know when I need a rest day.