
Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 3 - Monday Swim

Did not want to get up and work out this morning, probably because I slept terribly. I kept waking up every couple of hours and then fighting to go back to sleep, which is very odd for me, normally I'm a very heavy sleeper and have no trouble going back to sleep if I awake. At 3:45 I finally decided to just bag my workout seeing as how my alarm was set to go off in 15 minutes and I was just not feeling it. In hindsight I probably should have just gotten up then and got ready but I made the decision to just sleep in and hit the pool on my lunch. The good news is a fell back asleep for 3 more hours and it was probably the longest stretch all night so that was good.

I did end up going to the Y for a swim at noon, felt good in the water today thia is what I ended up doing today:

WU: Usual 600 mix
MS: 1000yd endurance swim
CD: 200 yards

I was going to do 5x100 and 10x50's but really just wanted to swim straight laps so got my long swim done for the week.

Now I'm at work choking down my food, although it's good and I'm hungry would rather have a protein shake right now. Its funny how after running and biking I'm all for devouring food but after a swim just not in the mood for food.

Until next time...Do today what other's won't, so tomorrow you can do what other's can't.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that I often do a lot of straight swims even though I should be doing lap workouts. Its kind of therapeutic.
