
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 3 - Saturday Swim and Bike

Today's workout 1500 yd easy swim / 35 mile bike

Since I ran successfully yesterday I switched my Sat/Sun workouts. I headed to the Y for an easy 1500 yd swim, didn't really have a plan just did my normal warm up and cool down swims with a combination of of 100 repeats and 50 yd repeats. I really was just looking for some extra time in the pool and I didn't really want to follow a "plan" just get in the water and swim.

The swim went well, nothing spectacular, pool was crowded this morning though. There were 3 young girls, about 10 yrs old, in the lane next to me, and lets just say I got humbled watching these 3 little mermaids fly through the water, reminded me just how awfully slow I am in the water, lol, oh well.

After my swim I headed home had a protein shake and relaxed for about an hour. I was trying to decided whether I should just do my long bike ride before lunch or wait till later in the day to do it. I knew if I waited the chances of me not doing it would go up greatly so I got on the bike and started peddling. About half way through the boys decided they wanted to hang out with me so they built a fort downstairs and watched TV with me as I hammered away the miles, love moments like these!

Fort Campbell
The bike went pretty well, surprised at how my energy level remained up throughout the ride, kept a nice easy pace. Ended up with 35 miles in just under 2 hrs. Looking forward to heading to Habanero's (our favorite Mexican Restaurant) for dinner tonight, I've earned a giant burrito today.

On tap for tomorrow, my first long run in a long while...

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.


  1. Josiah, are you using a Garmin on "Indoor Mode" with a cadence/speed sensor to get your mileage?

    1. No I bought a wired biked computer with the cadence/speed sensors from my local Trek Store.
