
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Triathlon Training: Week 2 - Thursday Run

Today's workout called for a 7 mile Tempo Run but seeing as how this was my first run in a week I decided to change this up, I ended up doing 4.5 miles in 44:48.

Warm up - 2 mile @ 6 mph
Workout - 3x800m @ 7-7.5 mph w/400m recovery jog
Cool down - .5 mile

I was nervous starting off not knowing how my knee would feel or hold up, but during the warm up it felt okay, I did have some minor pain, but I am usually a little creaky in my first couple of miles. Once I finished the warm up I had made the decision to change up my workout, first and foremost I was on a treadmill, which I dread doing any kind of long run on, it's so boring. Secondly I knew I didn't have 7 miles in me, my legs were still a little sore from Monday's workout and I did not want to push my knee, so I did 3x800m intervals at my half marathon pace with a 400m jog in between. By the third one my knee was starting to feel a little sore so after the workout I made sure to stretch thoroughly. I am cautiously optimistic about my knee, although it did start hurting it was not the excruciating pain that I felt last Thursday that forced me to stop and walk. I am not sure whether I should skip Saturday's long run in favor of another pool session or not yet I suppose I will make that decision some time tomorrow. Replacing a couple runs over the next few weeks with swims might be the smart thing to do, just to help my knee heal up and assist me in my weakest area, the swim, we'll see how it goes.

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.


  1. Like yourself, I suffer from knee problems that I got from an injury nearly 3 years ago. So I can relate.

    When you do your intervals are you on a track?

  2. You're a superman. Hope your knee feels better.

  3. Normally I will do them on a track at the school near my house but this time of year its on the dreadmill. My goal is to try and stay off of pavement and treadmills as much as possible and hit the trails when I can but with the midwest finally deciding to have winter that may not happen for awhile.

    Knee is actually doing well, skipping tomorrows run for another swim and give it some rest. Swimming and biking don't bother it at all which is good I need to work on those more anyway.
