
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday Night Trail Run

Hit my favorite place to run when I stay in Ames, nice little flat trail at the park. Weather was amazing, first time I've run outside in just shorts and a t-shirt in a long time. Still having my issues with running at night, tried eating a little more later in the afternoon today but still got that exausted fatigued feeling half way through the run, wanted to shoot for 5 miles but called it after the second loop because I was getting dizzy. Maybe I just run better on a fasted state first thing in the morning, oh well at least my knee wasn't hurting before or after. I was concerned with running on the uneven terrain that it might flare up, but no issues to speak off.

First Live Uncommon RevoLUtion Race is this Saturday and I'm still looking for donations, big thank you for those who have already stepped up and made a donation, I really appreciate it. If you would like to make a donation to the cause you can access my page here.

Thank you for reading...

Until next time...Do today what others won't, so tomorrow you can do what others can't.

1 comment:

  1. Josiah, I am the same way with running. I am better off with nothing in my gut, except maybe a GU, than running after eating. Not sure what it is but I know if I eat then run, I am in trouble!
